C. S e v e n

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"Dinah" Normani called out dinah and the girls stopped walking as they turned around to face her "I said dinah" she said glaring at the 3 girls "What do you want" Dinah said coldly as she looked at her "I want to talk please " Dinah looked at her friends who shrugged "I'd say No but miss drama here would lose her shit" Camila said smiling forcefully at Normani "Better calm down Cabello" she said almost growling at the young Latina "Alright let's just talk we don't be long " Dinah said "Dinah you sure?" Lauren asked frowning, Dinah smiled softly and nodded, Lauren never showed she cared and her showing it meant a lot to her and to be careful with Normani "I'll catch up to you guys at lunch " the girls nodded and stared to walk to their class "Call if you need anything " ally said as they turned around the now empty hall "talk" Dinah said once she faced her ex "I'm sorry ,I miss you"  Normani said looking down this took dinah off guard, she didn't expect her to say that "No mani" she said sternly "why not?" Dinah took a deep breath and looked at her with a 'are you serious ' face "You accused me of cheating " she said shaking her head "and you messed with my friends" Normani bit her lip, she didn't like Dinah's friends at all, she didn't know why but she just didn't like them "I didn't meant if accusing you of cheating I just..." she said softly looking down, but Dinah wasn't having it "you what?" She said shaking her head "I got so jealous when I saw you looking  -" "Eyes are for seeing Normani like what else are they for? " Dinah spat "Plus you've been hiding me" she said and pointed to both of them "Hiding is for a long ass time now" Mani started to get nervous but she couldn't show Dinah that " Your mine you shouldn't be seeing anyone else!!" She said raising her voice a little bit Dinah looked down and noticed her fist "Im not yours to begin with!" She argued "were not getting back together Kordei and that's final!" Dinah said storming away from her or she tried to until Normani grabbed her arm and pressed her against a locker "Who the fuck do you think you are to decide that!?" She said tightening her grip on Dinah's wrist "Let go!" Dinah said trying to push her off but Normani wasn't having it "I said your mine!" She said as she tried to kiss Dinah but she kept pushing her away, it started to bother Normani "and I said I'm not!" Dinah said finally pushing her off,  she didn't think Normani would be that strong "I've had it with you!" The ex said as she raised her hand to slap Dinah, the tall blonde didn't have time to react she closed her eyes ready to receive the slap but she didn't feel it once she opened her eyes she saw the familiar black hoodie and the intoxicating smell filled up her nose, Normani looked at her wide eyes, the person in the black hoodie pushed Normani away "The hell you think your doing!?" She shouted at her but the girl didn't answer she just stood their looking at her , Dinah took the opportunity to smell her and memorize it "This isn't over Hansen" Mani said as she walked away, the person looked at her until she disappeared "thank you..." Dinah whispered the girl didn't even looked at her as she began to walk away.

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