♪ Thirty-Five ♪

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"I'm not going," Rich said stubbornly as he sat on the couch. He even crossed his arms like a child.

"C'mon Rich," I whined impatiently. "You promised last night."

"You asked me at midnight while I was relaxing here on the couch," he replied flatly. "Besides, you promised not to get attached to her, and did you listen to promises then?"

He had a point, I was afraid. There was no way I was giving up that easily, though.

"This is the first time you actually have to keep your cover a lot," I said, trying to urge him. I had been doing it since day one; it was his turn.

"Exactly. I'm not the one who needed punished, nor am I the actor."

"Please, Rich?" I was down to begging.

"Sorry, Logan, but I'm not going."

I glared. "What are you going to do all night?"

He gestured towards the television like I didn't know it was there.

"Don't you want more to life than living it through a screen?"


I groaned, looking at the cable box for the time. It was after four. "We have to be there in an hour."

"You have to be there in an hour," he said pointedly. "You broke your promise, so you need to go for the consequences."

"Alright," I huffed, stomping into my room to get ready. I had actually bought a bouquet that time, to give to Summer's mom. I remembered Summer telling me she liked hydrangeas, so I got one with those in it.

"You can stay here and eat cold pizza and soda," I told Rich as I walked past him to get to the kitchen. "I'll just go off with Summer to possibly run away and tell the whole world who I am. Then we'll start a life in France, and you won't have a job, and my dad will possibly sue you for losing his son he's paid to pretend to care about..."

I was completely buffing, but for Rich, it could be enough.

He grunted. "Real realistic."

"In that case, au revoir, Rich. I'll send you a French bird."

"This is ridiculous," he grumbled angrily. "You want me to help you disobey myself? I told you not to get that close to her, and now you have, and you think I want to be a part of that? How many times do I have to tell you this isn't real?"

"We talked about it," I mumbled. "She knows we might leave because of your work. So, please just come. They want you to. It's just a casual dinner."

"With your girlfriend you're not supposed to have," he added as a matter of fact.

"The food will be good I'm sure," I added at the end of my trials. I didn't know how else to urge him.

His stomach grumbled on cue, and I smiled to myself. There was no way he could say no now.

He groaned. "Fine."

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Thanks Rich."


After pestering him to get ready, we finally began our walk to Summer's house. We were going to be late if we didn't hurry, so I was speed walking like crazy.

"Logan, slow down," Rich said sternly, panting behind me. "It's not a race."

I ignored his grumbling for the the rest of the walk. He never stopped complaining. I was getting real tired of him.

We stopped at the top of her driveway, and turned to face him. It was his turn to hear some rules.

"Don't embarrass me," I began with the most important. "Don't make stupid jokes, don't start sweating when you have to lie, and don't act like you've never eaten real food before. Got it?"

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