♪ Epilogue ♪

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"Why don't you go undercover again?"

I stopped moving the ring between my fingers to look up at Rich. "What?" I asked, disbelief clear in my tone. Was he not with me the first time we tried that?

He looked at me like I had no reason to be against it. "It's the way you guys met. I'm not saying you have to pretend to be someone else again, but you can at least surprise her that way."

I glanced back down at the ring, and let the light reflect off of it. It was an idea, and I was completely lacking anything else. I was beginning to think I'd never get the nerve to ask her.

Summer and I had been together for almost four years. The first was pretty messy. It was difficult to have time to fly out to her when she lived so far across the country. I had promised to keep her out of the spotlight, which added even more troubles to the task. I still had to be Logan Myers, and only later did my fame start to slow down.

I still made music and acted, but it wasn't as if I was the same teen superstar that I always was. I spent my whole life believing my life would never change, and I didn't know if that made me arrogant or a pessimist. I guessed everyone has their time, and my clock was finally beginning to slow down.

"I think surprise will make her remember it more. It's going to be one of the best moments of her life."

I nodded once, trying to ignore the fear that came with his statement. Summer and I had talked about marriage a few times, and I feel like she had to be hinting at something one of those times. I never had a doubt in my mind that we would be together forever; I just didn't know when to make it official.

"She's going to say yes."

I snapped my head up to see Leo and Zak enter the kitchen, carrying two boxes of pizza. They had gotten closer over the years. Leo was having a hard time at first when Ty and Harley moved for college. He decided to stay and save up for a music school for guitar, and Zak was able to be there for him when I couldn't be.

"I sure hope so," I muttered.

"I mean, the only reason she wouldn't is if she realizes how much more handsome I am," Zak said without a hint of a joke.

Leo punched him lightly on the arm. "She'll say yes."

"And we'll be here waiting to celebrate when she does," Zak added, holding up a piece of pizza to his mouth.

I thought it over for another minute. It would be cool to go undercover one last time. I could pretend to be a new guy in town asking about the choir, which had grown considerably over the years. The group had gained a ton of new members; there almost wasn't enough people to listen to then anymore. They sang at church, parties, everywhere. I was able to hear them when I was in town, and they were doing great.

"Okay," I said to Rich. "I'm going to do it."

His eyes gleamed. "I have just the thing."

He returned a few minutes later with a sports team jersey and sunglasses. "You'll be a jock this time."

"She's going to hate me," I said, sighing.

"She's going to be surprised when you reveal yourself and that amazing ring," Rich corrected.

Shaking my head, I left the room to change and put the ring in the box. I hid in in my back pocket and threw a beanie over my hair. My hair was short again; Theresa had told me it looked more 'mature' that way. I was just glad I didn't have to do anything to it.

I gathered the 'good lucks' I got from the guys in the kitchen as courage and left the hotel like so many times before. The ring felt heavy in my pocket.

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