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Just as Amai Mask finishes his speech to the Class S heroes, terrorizing the poor metal bat a fist breaks through the space ship and a certain blue haired woman exits, walking right next to Saitama. She looks around until she spots him and starts running, jumping into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Hello my love.", she smiles. Metal bat's eyes widen as his superior throws herself into the lower rank hero's arms. "I'm glad you are safe, my darling.", the blue haired idol says and swoops the woman up in his arms, pecking her lips and then her forehead. She closes her fiery orange eyes and her mouth corners tug upwards. "I asked you if you would marry me after all the chaos is dealt and over with..", Amai Mask says and her eyes are now open wide, ".. so would you do me the honor and become my wife?" He holds a ring in front of her and she nods. "Yes! Finally! Took you long enough!", Rogue laughs and kisses him, then watches as he slips the ring onto her finger. "Congratulations Sensei, Kamen.", Genos says and Saitama grins. "Thank you, Genos.", Kamen replies. "Thanks, little one.", is Rogues answer. She gets up and hugs the cyborg, as well as the bald male they still don't really know. "I love you guys."

Three months later

Kamen and Rogue married. They have moved into Kamens apartment, but still have a tight friendship with the two hero ex upstairs neighbors of Rogue. Those two were the first ones to get to know that shortly after Kamen and Rogues honeymoon Rogue had gotten pregnant and that they would have twins, a boy and a girl.
The happy news soon were all the rage and it was like a royal had given birth when the two finally were born and named Miwako and Miroku. Miwako is the first born and with that the older sister, Miroku only 12 minutes younger.
Also Rogue introduced Saitama to her friend Ayako and the two hit it off soon dating.

The modern goth girl with her black clothes, black hair and raven eyes was a perfect match for the more childish and humorous Saitama

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The modern goth girl with her black clothes, black hair and raven eyes was a perfect match for the more childish and humorous Saitama. The two LOVED each other and Genos became sort of the oldest child of Rogue and Kamen, as well as the best friend of Ayako and Saitama. And the cyborg finally felt at peace after all he had been through. He found a loving and caring family in these people as well as a place that felt like a home to him.
And with that... Everything was as good as it can get... Until the twins showed their powers. Both being able to control electricity and soon being little trouble makers.

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