Chapter 35: Secrets, Kidnappings, and Magic

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"WHAT IS IT?!" We all screamed at Merida, who handed Elsa her phone. Elsa gasped, and gave the phone to Hiccup, he gasped, and read it about 5 times over, then studied the screen. The suspense was killing me! "Argh!" I screamed after 20 minutes of Hiccup staring at the Apple logo on Merida's iPhone. I grabbed the phone out of his hands, and read the text. It said:


Blood is red,

Ice is blue.

Missing dear Punzel?

Because next, it's you.

14 Valentine Rd. NB 14:00a.m in 5 weeks. I give the gift of time.

I read the text over and over, but my eyes focused on the line Ice is blue. Did this person know my secret?

For a split second, Elsa met my eyes. Then she gasped, and ran. This day was getting weirder and weirder.

---------------------TIME SKIP--------------------------

After school, everyone decided to go to my house. Once we got there, Emma ignored everyone, and ran straight to Elsa. "ELSA!" She screamed. Everybody had to wait two hours until Emma and Elsa stopped playing. "So, Ah see yer frien's with Emma," Merida said. Elsa nodded. Her cheery and happy demeanor diminished when Emma disappeared. Now she looked plain worried, as the rest of us were.

"I um, need to tell-show-you guys something," Elsa said nervously. "What do you need to show us?" Hiccup asked. Elsa took a deep breath, and mumbled something, quickly and quietly. "Ah'm sorry lass, Ah di'n't ge' tha'" Merida commented. Elsa gulped. Her hands started to shake, as did her whole body. A thin coat of frost covered the floor, and it clearly sprouted from Elsa's feet. Merida, Hiccup, and I gaped at it, looking like idiots. Though I'd suspected that Elsa could do that, I ended up thinking that the frost was a trick of the light.

Then, Elsa nervously took off her glove, revealing an impressive collection of scars. What I found, though, was that one scar spelled out, "Monster!". I gaped at it. In a bad way, of course.

Then, a dagger started to grow in Elsa's hand, and she stopped shaking. Instead, she smirked. I noticed that her platinum blonde hair had turned white, and I honestly thought that she'd stab us. "Yer hair...i's...white," Merida said, a mix of fear, awe, and astonishment in her voice. "It happens often these days," Elsa said. She made a belt of ice, stuffing her dagger in it. "Merida, I hear you're good with archery," Elsa said, making a bandana out of thin air with her powers. "Yup!" Merida replied, popping the "P." Elsa quickly created a longbow and handed it to Merida, who didn't seem to be bothered by the cold of the ice. "Will this mel'?'" She asked, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Nope," Elsa answered, showing Hiccup how to sword fight. Merida's face lit up like Christmas had come early. "Now Frost, I suspect you're okay with weapons and powers," Elsa said, confusing Merida, Hiccup, and I. "How did you-?" I started, but Elsa cut me off. "You looked a bit creeped out reading the part of the poem that mentioned ice, now, didn't you?" Elsa questioned. "Also, Punzie told me," Elsa put in, her hair flashing to golden blonde for a second. I bit my lip. Oh, Punzie.

A/N: Hello! White hair isn't as evil as Elsa thought, have you guys noticed that? And I know that when you get a text, it usually shows the number you received it from, but let's just say that it was encrypted. Bye!-Unicornpig🐷🌈

edit from 2019 - "but let's just say that it was encrypted" LMAO

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