Chapter 13 - United We Live, Divided We Turn

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Everyone was sat around relaxing and processing this new information. The woman who we will eventually learn is called George was passing out bizcuits to the dead. "Don't worry, there is plenty for everyone" She reassured. 10k had bizcuit and sniffed it cautiously, then he went to taste it. "Oh you probably don't wanna eat that unless you're dead" George said. 10k took the bizcuit away from his mouth.

"What's in it?" You asked.

"Z-Bizcuits? Nobody knows for sure and nobody wants to know" George said "Rumour is that its trace amount of brains. It keeps the talkers happy... human. Without them they'd eventually turn into zombies"

"How's it taste Granny?" Doc called over to Mrs McGillicuddy.

"Kinda metallic" she answered bluntly. "Could use a little more sugar" George smiled in amusement. I noticed Sarge looking at the campaign posters plastered all over the trailer. On one there was a persons silhouette.

"Is that you?" Sarge asked George? We all looked at the poster. I had to admit it looked just like her.

"Everybody keeps saying that" She muttered.

"I can see why!" Doc said, smiling. George smiled.

"I'm George, this is my friend Lieutenant Dante"

"Lieutenant huh?" Sarge said "Marines?"

"I was... until I died..." Dante said, his voice was low and gravely. Sarge nodded, unsure how to respond.

"You know, we've travelled along way to find Newmerica..." Doc started "Tell me this ain't it?" George breathed a laugh and smiled. She had a nice smile...

"Newmerica doesn't exist- at least! Not yet!" She said "Right now Newmerica is just an idea, a dozen outposts just trying to make it on their own but they can't. Which is why we are voting on a constitution to become a new nation!"

"Do you have to be a citizen to vote?" Doc asked smiling. George shrugged.

"Anyone can become a citizen" She said.

"You don't even... have to be alive...." Dante added. Doc nodded.

"Sounds like a sweet deal!" Doc said, standing up. "Where do I sign up?"

"Well right up the road is out biggest outpost, Altura. They're good friends of mine. We can take you there and get you signed up" We all looked at each other. We all felt like we could trust her. "Anybody else want to be part of something great?" She pitched to everyone else, receiving a gaggle of yes's.

"I can vote... even though I'm dead?" Mrs McGillicuddy questioned.

"All are welcome. United we live. Divided we turn!" George smiled. Doc did a double take from George to the poster that sported the words she had just said.

"You are that woman on the poster!" He exclaimed. George smiled that lovely smile again and breathed a laugh looking at the floor.

"Come on, I'll show you the way..." She said smiling.

(Sorry this chapter is a littler shorter - i'll try and ensure the next one is longer ;) )

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