Chapter 1 - Meet Operation Bite Mark

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They had just escaped the Zero's hideout, you'd think it was safe, an underground passage leading to mansions and houses hidden and secured by the broader wall of the USA and Mexico, and it was safe until the bastards let the wrong people in, well actually more like the right people. Lieutenant Roberta Warren and group of rugged survivors, but you can't give them all the credit, if it wasn't for the mad scientist Professor Kurian and his so called 'cure' things could have gone differently. The group killed and escaped, simple. They escaped in the cars left by these thugs, however it didn't last long before the cars broke down and they were faced with a pile of scape metal, tiers and dead cars that blocked the road. They were on foot now. Heading to California.
I could see them, I was hiding out under the rubble, I'd made camp under a collapsed amusement park ride and to be honest actually heard them before I saw them. "Disneyland" one of them said. I shifted to get a better look at who they were. I black woman, tall and strong, nothing could scare her and I'm guessing nothing did, a hippie looking older guy long white hair and white beard though both full of dirt turning the white a filthy grey, a girl maybe older than myself with short red hair and one hell of a zombie slaying bat in her hand, another guy he's tall as well and again strong I definitely wouldn't want to fight him while he's alive and tactful. Then there was two, a man in red suit trousers and back dress shirt with a pretty cool skull belt but I couldn't get past his skin! It was blue? Why? Vitamin deficiency? I doubt it... My eyes moved to the last member of the group a boy, possibly around my age maybe older, he was dressed cool,  a jacket with a spinal cord painted in detail on the back, he also wore a two combo head accessory gear type thing? A bandanna and flying goggles? Interesting... He also carried a battered up rifle, bet that's not easy to shoot it's probably got all sorts of problems. I decided to pack the little belongings I had and follow them, hiding behind other collapsed gift shops and rides.
They eventually stopped and went down into one of the partially collapsed tunnels that the staff would have used to move around the park while in costume.  I could hear muffled voices but I didn't go follow any closer, I remained outside as the sun went down and my dismal surroundings began to get less clear as they were shrouded by the darkness. I sat down leading against some panelling off something and looked up at the sky, it wasn't yet the peak of the night and the sky was a clear darkish blue I watched some birds, they were flying beautifully in a graceful formation as if putting on a show.  But, as always, that was ruined.  As it got darker I heard the all too familiar moans and groans of the Z's there was a lot of them and they were heading this way.  I had two choices... Hide under the rubble and hope for the best or go down into the tunnels and hope I don't get shot and/or killed. I decided to take my chances with the people, I hadn't seen another living being in a while and it would be nice to hear some voices that weren't my own.
I darted across and down the hatch into the tunnel dropping through and landing steadily of my feet I faced darkness before but heard the clicking of guns behind me. "Don't shoot! I'm alive!" I put my hands up. "I mean do you really think a zombie could land on its feet from that high? No they would have landed on their face..." I trailed off as I waited for a response.
"What's your name kid?" It was a man's voice quick low and with a smooth tremor it relaxed me.
"It's (Y/N)" I answered. "May I turn around?" I chewed my lip and waited again for my response, there was hushed talk and kept hearing the words 'Bit' 'Threat' 'Spy' "I'm alone, and have been for about six months now... if that helps?"
"Alright you can turn around and put your hands down" Emotionless voice, female, some kind of accent? I put my hands down and turned around, scanning the faces, adding the images I already had in my mind. "So (Y/N)? Was it? Where did you come from?"
"Well... I actually had my own little set up and couple minuets in amongst the rubble but I heard your voices... I followed you, I apologise... I guess I could have made my presence aware earlier but, like everyone in this new world, I don't know who I can trust"  I half smiled and scanned the faces looking for any kind of reaction, they were smiling...  well all exact the blue skinned bloke who just looked pissed off with me.  The black woman stepped forward, up close she actually pretty friendly and looked like someone I could trust.
"I'm Warren" She said and smiled, I smiled back as she began pointing to each person in turn telling me their names "That's Addy, Vasquez, Murphy, Doc  and 10K" I nodded at each person but lingered on 10K, what kind of name was that? I must had thought out loud as Doc chuckled.
"The kids named himself after his zombie kill goal" He said, slapping the boy on the back, 10K said nothing.
"He's going to kill ten thousand zombies?" I asked "That's awesome! How many are up to right now?" The boy looked at me and smiled.
"5,834" He mumbled
"That's over halfway! Well done!" I beamed and he looked away I couldn't see his expression in the darkness of the tunnel but Doc sure cleared up my questioning.
"Awe the kids all shy over the pretty girl!" He laughed, I laughed also.
"Honestly dude, I'm the last person in earth you could possibly be shy with" I smiled reassuringly in his direction, but with no response, an awkward silence lingered before I broke it. "So I don't wanna be out there with the undead and you probably don't want another mouth to feed in your group, so if I could just wait out this small heard with you I would be very grateful"
"I'm sure we can let you have that, but another mouth to feed is also another pair of hands for guns, so if you want to tag along we could accommodate that" Warren said, she held out her hand as if making a deal.
"Seriously! That would be great! I-I mean... uh thanks I owe you" I nodded my head awkwardly and smiled, everyone smiled to, again except Murphy.
"Get some sleep if you can we plan to be doing a lot of walking tomorrow" Warren said and everyone went off to try catching dream land. I stayed to myself.  But I was happy.

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