Chapter 4 - We All Live in a Blue Eyed Submarine

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The yellow dressed woman was talking, people were replying, I heard nothing but I saw their lips moving, she went outside holding something, I went to follow but I was held back, wincing slightly as the tug brought the pain.  Then I felt it, I could feel the open wound in my shoulder and I moved my hand up to touch it, there was something blocking it, I looked at it and let my fuzzy eyesight adjust, it was bound in some fabric? A shirt or something? I followed my arm down to my wrist where someone was holding me back, Addy, though her face was fuzzy her red hair was still vibrant, her lips moved but again I heard nothing but as she reached the end of whatever she was saying my hearing slowly came back. "What..?" I question, and then I realized I was swaying a little.
"Sit down, or you're going to fall down" She repeated, I looked behind me and sat down on the table. "You've lost a lot of blood... but Auntie, as she calls herself, has signalled what's left of the government and CDC turns out their hiding in a submarine" She smiled slightly trying to lighten the mood. "She says they have a doctor on board who should be able to help you and 10K" Her eyes wandered over to another table, I followed her gaze and then I remembered, his moans and groans, I remembered I saw him lying there on the floor, the blood... more than me, I looked back at Addy and with my other hand I squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.
"He's going to okay. He hasn't reached ten thousand kills yet, and I'm getting a feeling he won't die until he has" I barely knew him but what I said must have be along the right lines because it seemed to comfort her, she smiled at me.
"Yeah you're right, the kids a fighter..." Then there was a hell of a sound from outside, similar to before but they sounded more tuned? The roaring of the engines grew closer, the sound of maybe smaller vehicles then followed by the low growl of bigger vehicles. Everyone reached for their weapons on Warrens command, even though she didn't give me direction I stood up and moved over to 10K holding my gun in my good hand as everyone separated away from him into position.
"Dearies they have a nuclear submarine!" Auntie exclaimed laughing. Warren loosened up a little and sighed.
"She's right..." she looked around at everyone, everyone looking back at her, if was unsure before I was certain now that she was the leader and that everyone relied on her and put their lives in her hands, and in that moment I felt I could to. "Stand down, but be on guard" Everyone turned to look at the door as a smartly dressed man in a military type generals uniform? Walked I, he was accompanied by a woman in a lab coat, I noticed Murphy tense up when he saw her, she must be that Doctor Merch he's so desperate to kill...  they were followed by another man also in some kind of uniform.  Only three? They obviously trusted whatever intel they hand on this place then. Warren introduced herself with a salute and her first call was to get help for her wounded, the second man who had walked in stepped up saying he was the ships the doctor, he approached 10K and surveyed him quickly then looked at my shoulder, all the while Warren and the other man were talking and Murphy was shouting, I looked at this doctor and shook my head.
"I can hold out, deal with him first!" 10K's injuries were obviously more severe than my own and I knew that. The doctor nodded.
"I will but I can help you as well"
Before too long everyone was outside, I was instructed to sit in some small trailer type thing, I managed to get my bag a bow and I laid it in the space beside me, they then laid 10K on a stretcher and placed it over to rims of the trailer and strapped it down, Doc tried to come with him but was turned away, he caught my eye and shouted. "Look after him! Don't let them probe him or anything!" Even though he was joking around I could his genuine concern, I nodded and held up my pinkie to him, he smiled and held his up back. "I'll hold you to that promise lady!" He laughed. After everyone had finished saying their goodbyes to Murphy, we set off, the drive down to the beach was bumpy and with every harsh movement of the truck 10K moaned in agony, I took his hand in my good one ad squeezed it gently.
"You hang in there! I got a promise to keep!" I smiled at him and he opened his eyes a little looking at me, he had a blank expression but then he forced a smile. "That's it! It can't be far now and then they can stitch you up" He nodded and squeezed my hand tight as we went over another bump.
Eventually, and much to 10K's relief, we reached the beach and from there I was told to board on of the speed boats so I boarded the one closest to me, I saw them putting 10K on a different boat and instantly stood up to go with him but one of the soldiers or whatever they were claiming to be put their hand on my good shoulder pushing me back into me seat, "Don't even think about fucking us around" I couldn't see his facial expression through his helmet but I felt his eyes on me, I shifted in my seat and didn't attempt to move again, I kept glancing at the other boat. Murphy and that Doctor Merch also boarded the same boat as me, I glared at her.
"Don't take this the wrong way but I don't trust any of you, Military or not the apocalypse changes people" Murphy looked at me and back at Merch, raising his eyebrow, Merch smiled in what I suppose she thought was a sweet way.
"That's understandable but I can assure you, we are not hiding anything and we don't hurt any of you, we just want to synthesize the cure to this disease" The boats roared into life and began racing towards the submarine.
"Don't you have to be alive to have a disease. Those Z's are dead! Re-animated corpses! They walk and stumble in search of human flesh! It's what they crave!" I paused, taking in her changing facial expression, she cringing "But I suppose you don't have much experience them, being a 'special scientist' and all" I sighed and folded my arms and looked over at the other boat bouncing against the tide, I know for sure that will putting 10K in a lot of pain which only fuelled my sudden anger outburst. Merch said nothing but I felt glares on me from the other soldiers on board but I couldn't care less. I looked over at Murphy and he had a smirk on his face as he looked a Merch's uncomfortable form.
Then the boats reached the submarine. As soon as we leave, I got up and went over to where two people were carrying  10K, the soldier I had originally annoyed bumped into me as he went into the submarine, bumping right into my injured shoulder, I yelped and hissed in pain, glaring at him, he blanked me and disappeared into the submarine. Then everyone else starting heading on board I followed the people carrying 10K to some kind of sick bay with two dentist type chairs, they lifted 10K on to one and laid him down then they cut his shirt off and began operating, one of the other doctors came over to me and cut the shoulder out my shirt, he injected some kind of numbing liquid into the wound and a few minutes later was routing around in my shoulder for the shrapnel.

(Sorry if there is a tonne of spelling mistakes or things that don't make sense, I wrote this chapter at 1:30 in the morning! I will proof read eventually :P)

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