Chapter 14

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Blake sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror causing Chris to look over at her. After dinner, everyone decided to get in their pajamas and watch a movie together at Lisa's house but Chris noticed that after Blake had changed into her pajamas, she just stood in front of the mirror and kept brushing the same section of hair until Chris held her hand causing her to look at him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked causing her to look at him before sighing yet again.

"I want to invite my dad to the gallery opening on Friday." Blake said causing Chris to snort.

"Yeah, okay, Blakey." Chris said before walking out of the bathroom as Blake scoffed at his comment.

"Why does it bother you so much that I want to invite him?" Blake asked causing Chris to turn and look at her.

"Maybe because he never shows up." Chris said causing Blake to shake her head. "Blake, please name something that he's showed up to, please, because I sure as hell know there isn't one thing he's come to."

Blake looked at Chris as he tilted his head. "He came to graduation."

"Oh graduation." Chris said as he held his hands and the air and wiggled his fingers.

"Stop being such an asshole!" Blake yelled as she threw her hands in the air.

"I'm not being an asshole!" Chris yelled back causing Blake to scoff. "I'm just trying to protect you."

"Well, you're doing a fucking fantastic job!" Blake said before she walked past him before making her way to Scott's room before opening and slamming the door behind her.

Chris ran his hand over his face before he turned around and saw Carly standing in the doorway. "Don't."

"He was at graduation, you were in New York." Carly said as Chris looked at his older sister. "She's right, ya know? You can't stop her from inviting him and you can't stop the heartbreak when he doesn't show up but you can be there to hold her when she cries over him not showing."

"It's just so frustrating. We've been doing this ever since she was a kid, Carly. Blake has some big moment, want to invite her dad, he says he'll come and then he never shows which leaves Blake heartbroken as well as her exciting event ruined because of him. I'm tired of him breaking her heart!" Chris explained.

"I know, I hate it too but she isn't ready to face the fact her dad doesn't really love her the right way and Blake certainly isn't a priority in his life and never has been," Was her response.

"I can remember being in that play with Blake in 10th grade and she keep looking out from backstage at the empty spot and she thought he'd come and that he just was late and I can remember sitting backstage with her and holding her while she cried when he never came," He hated the memory.

"I think that's all you can do Chris," His older sister encouraged him. "And I know it's hard for you, but you need to learn to keep your mouth shut related to him. It hurts Blake."

Chris hated that she was right... but she was. He was angry at Blake's dad for always hurting her but right now, he was hurting her too. So he decided to swallow his pride and knocked on Scott's door.

"Blakey, babe, I'm sorry. Can we please talk?" He asked.

"I don't need you to protect me from my own dad!" Blake huffed as he opened the door.

Chris knew that wasn't true and he always had tried to protect her feelings from her flakey father but it wasn't his call and he told her, "Blake, I'm sorry that I was an asshole. This gallery opening is a huge deal and I want to be there to support you in any way, and if that's keeping my mouth shut when it comes to you dad, then I'll do it."

Blake just looked at him for a long time before Chris asked, "Forgive me?"

She rolled her eyes, knowing she couldn't be mad at him long and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him as she said, "Of course I forgive you."

He hugged her back tightly and then gave her a soft kiss on the lips before she said, "Chris, I know it's hard for you but he's my dad and I love him. I know he loves me too and things just get in the way sometimes and he can't come to things but he's going to come this time, he promised me."

It killed Chris on the inside to hear her defend him the way she did. Chris knew he wouldn't show up, he never did. And Chris would be left holding her while he sobbed her eyes out from being disappointed by her dad yet again. But like always, Chris would be there for her and he was going to make sure he loved and supported her the way she needed and deserved. 

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