Chapter 20

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Chris anxiously stood outside of the hotel room door waiting the long moments until it opened. Karla was confused when she saw Chris on the other side of it, considering it was nearing midnight but still smiled at the man.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah it is, I just was waiting until Blake was asleep and I was hoping we could talk," Chris looked at Karla with his puppy dog look.

"Of course, sweetie," The woman, who had been like a second mother to him, ushered him inside her hotel room and over to the couch.

Chris sat on the small couch, one of his long legs bouncing nervously while he rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans. Karla sat next to him and rubbed his back, just like his mother would, and asked him what was going on.

"Well, there's something that I've kind of been thinking about for a while but earlier this week, I was talking to Sebastian and he kind of made me realize I should but I want it to be okay with you," Chris rambled.

"What is it, honey? You can ask me anything," She prodded him in a motherly way.

He took a deep breath before focusing his blue eyes on hers before saying, "I wanted to ask you if you're okay with me asking Blake to marry me?"

Karla stared at Chris and blinked slowly as tears glossed her eyes. Chris felt his stomach twist in knots, silently praying that her tears were happy and not sad. When she didn't respond, Chris started to backpedal.

"If you're not okay with it, I'll wait. I'll do anything for Blake and I want to respect what you want for her and-" Chris babbling was cut off when Karla threw her arms around him and hugged Chris tight.

"Of course I'm okay with it," She laughed through her happy tears. "I couldn't be happier!"

Chris breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he tightly hugged her back. When the two parted, Chris held her hand and gave it a soft squeeze, telling her, "I know we haven't been together as a couple super long but Blake is my best friend and always has been and I just have no doubt that she is the one for me. I just want to love her for the rest of my life."

"That's all I could ever want for her," Karla smiled.

"I did want to ask you though..." Chris trailed off as he cringed, "Do you think I should talk to Blake's dad and ask his permission. I really don't want to because I just have no respect for him with how he's hurt her and what a flake he's been, but I also want to respect Blake's feelings because it's still her dad."

Karla thought about the question for a moment before she put a hand on his shoulder and told him, "No Chris, I don't think you need to talk to him. He hasn't been in Blake's life but you are. You're the stable man in her life, you always have been but you even more so will be now."

"Thank you Karla," He warmly smiled at her. "I know I'm far from perfect. I was oblivious for years, I get way too anxious inside my head and let myself get worked up, I'm not always the most calm or steady person, but I love your daughter, Karla. I love her more than anything. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I promise you that I'll never stop loving her," Chris honestly told her.

Silent joyful tears ran down Karla's face as she put her hands on either side of Chris' cheeks and looked right in his eyes, "I couldn't ask for a more perfect man for my daughter.

Chris stayed and talked to Karla for a while longer until he eventually went back to his own hotel room and found Blake sprawled out in the middle of the bed, sleeping with her mouth wide open. He laughed softly to himself at the sight before he pulled off his tee shirt and jeans and climbed into bed, gently pushing Blake over onto one side so he could have a spot.

Almost immediately, Blake rolled back over and snuggled right up next to him, draping her leg and arm on top of him. Chris let out another chuckle before telling her, "You're like a leech that I can't get off me!"

"It's your own fault for being so warm," Blake sleepily replied with her eyes closed.

"Eh, you can be a leech on me anytime babe. I don't mind being your heater," He wrapped his arms around her small frame.

"Good, because you're stuck with me," She told him.

Chris smiled while kissing the top of her curly brown hair, "You're a pretty good thing to be stuck with." 

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