Chapter 18

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Three hours. It had been three hours since Chris had gotten home from his meeting and still no Blake. At first he wasn't concerned. He figured she had gone to get something to eat, or take some photos but because she had left Dodger, he figured she would be back soon. As time passed, she didn't answer her phone, and that front door never opened, Chris became increasingly worried.

Eventually he dialed Karla's number and felt relieved when she picked up the phone as she greeted him, "Hi honey."

"Karla, have you heard from Blakey? She wasn't here when I got home and I can't get her to answer her phone which is really unusual and I'm getting really worried," Chris rambled.

"She's flying home. I thought you knew," She informed him. "She called me really upset and said that she was on her way home and so your mom and I are on our way to pick her up at the airport. She said something about pictures? I didn't know what she was talking about but she was very upset."

Chris' hand came up to run through his hair as he sighed, "Shit. Oh god, I'm such an idiot."

"What is it?" Karla asked while Chris put her on speaker so he could flip his computer open and found the article with the photos, quickly skimming it before getting to the comments that made his blood boil.

"Some people got our photos this morning and posted them. I told Blake to ignore it but I should have known that she'd look," His anger grew with each cruel comment that he read about his precious Blake. "Karla, I'm rescheduling that photoshoot and coming home. I have to see Blake."

Karla tried to assure him that Blake would be okay and that he should stay in L.A. to work. But Chris couldn't handle what he knew Blake must be feeling right now and he had to see her. It if wasn't for his career, she would never be in the position to be hurt the way she was and he wanted to do everything to take that pain away. All he wanted to do right now was hold his Blakey in his arms and he couldn't do that from across the country.

He headed straight to the airport and got on a late night flight that got him to Boston by morning and he was at Blake's apartment by breakfast. He knocked on her wood door and softly said, "Babe, it's me. Can I come in?"

She had always struggled with her self-esteem. Chris felt like her dad never valuing her didn't help how she saw herself either but she just never thought she was much of anything special and he knew this would only make things worse. She normally didn't like talking things out when she was upset and vulnerable. Blake always wanted to be by herself while she felt all her emotions and then talk about them in her own time later so Chris was surprised when she opened the door with fresh tears falling out of her red and puffy eyes.

Blake fell into his strong arms and cried against his chest. He always was her safe person. Chris was always the one she could open up to and right now, she needed him and his warm embrace. They stood in the middle of her apartment, holding onto one another until her tears were reduced to sniffles. Chris wiped her cheeks and gave her a soft kiss before leading her to the kitchen table.

"Babe, you can't ever leave without telling me again. I was scared to death," Chris told her as he made them each a cup of coffee.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was just so upset and I.... didn't want to see you," Blake replied in a voice barely above a whisper.

He turned around from the pot of coffee and wrinkled his dark eyebrows while asking, "Why didn't you want to see me?"

She didn't reply. Blake just dropped her head and stared down at her thumb that was picking at her chipped nail polish. Chris sighed softly before pouring the coffee in two mugs and walking to the table. He slid a mug in front of her while sitting down across from her.

"Blakey," His soothing voice lulled her as he rested one of his big hands on top of her fidgety hands. "Why?"

"Because," A few tears slipped out of her dark eyes and splashed onto the table that she was staring down at. "Those comments were true."

"What?" Chris was confused. He knew they were hurtful but he didn't realize she believed them.

"They're true Chris!" Blake shouted, finally being able to look at his handsome face. "I'm not good enough for you. I'm nothing like any of your exes. I'm not talented, or fashionable, or elegant, or beautiful, or anything that you want."

"Don't you think there is a reason that all of those girls are my exes and you're not?" Chris questioned her. "Don't you think I should decide what I want?"

"It won't matter because soon you'll realize what everyone else sees... that I'm nothing Chris and you're everything," Blake stood and walked to the window over the sink, staring blankly outside as tears kept running like a faucet down her cheeks.

Chris silently got up and came to stand behind her. He gently spun her around and put his big hands on either side of her face, forcing her watery eyes to look at him as he said, "That's where you're wrong. It's the other way around Blakey. Soon you'll realize what everyone else sees... that you're a passionate, hilarious, joyful, stunningly gorgeous, creative, gentle, sassy, loving, and compassionate woman who sells herself short. And I am the luckiest man alive to get to love you. You're everything to me Blakey."

"I love you so much Chris. I just want to be what you want," She looked up at him, practically begging for his approval but didn't realize how wholeheartedly she already had it.

"You are and you always have been. You've always been the girl for me, even when I didn't know it. There is nobody I'd rather get soaked on Splash Mountain with, or binge watch movies and eat nachos with, or snuggle on the couch and kiss with. There is nobody who I'd rather do anything with and I don't want what any dumb people comment to make you think any different," He stared deep into her eyes. "I love you Blake Katherine Williams and I always will."

"I'll always love you too," Blake couldn't help but smile softly through her tears. "I always have."

Chris kept his hands on either side of her face as he brought his lips down to passionate press against hers. He pressed her against the counter as their kiss deepened but before they got carried away, Blake pulled away from him. He immediately went to kissing at her neck but she giggled while telling him, "Chris, stop. I want to tell you something."

"Unless it's 'carry me to the bedroom' I don't want to hear it," He joked.

"Shut up you brat and listen to me," Blake laughed while putting her hands on his chest. "I'm sorry that I didn't react very well to all of this. It's very hard for me and I appreciate that you understand. I want you to know though that I want to work on not letting it bother me as much. It's going to take me a long time probably but I love you Chris, and if this is what comes with being with you, then I can accept that."

"I'm really proud of you babe. I know it's hard for you but I'm glad to hear you say that because I actually wanted to ask you something..." Chris trailed off so he could give her a sweet kiss before continuing. "Will you go to the Cap premiere with me?"

"Can your stylist do my hair so I don't have to tame my curls on my own?" Blake asked and Chris told her yes so she nodded, "Then you have a deal." 

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