Chapter 21

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"When are you going to ask her?" Karla whispered to Chris as everyone walked down main street.

"I was going to ask her during the fireworks but I think I'm going to throw up if I have to wait that long," Chris whispered right back. "I'm so fucking nervous."

"Don't be, sweetie," She rubbed his back as the pair trailed behind everyone. "It's not like she's going to say no."

"I just want it to be perfect," Chris ran a hand through his dark hair as he let out a soft sigh.

"Any way you ask her will be perfect to her," Karla encouraged the man who was like her son.

Chris just nodded and the two didn't say anything else since Blake slowed her pace so she could walk next to Chris. She wrapped her arm around his hunky middle and smiled up at him, making her dark eyes sparkle.

"You're so beautiful," Chris beamed down at her as he pecked her lips softly.

"It's the disneyland sweatshirt and the mouse ears," She joked.

"UNCLE CHRIS! AUNTIE BLAKEY!" Miles yelled as he ran back to the pair where Chris scooped the boy up effortlessly and held him in his arms. "I want to go on Space Mountain but Stella wants to go on Dumbo. Mom and Grandma told me to come ask you guys what to do first."

"Oh thanks for making us the decider, Ma!" Chris joked, knowing he would disappoint one of the kids with his answer.

"You're welcome!" Lisa laughed.

Blake kissed Miles cheek before saying, "How about we go to Dumbo first since it gets so crowded and then we'll do Space Mountain right after that?"

Miles nodded in agreement before Chris put him back down and the group continued walking down Main Street. Chris tossed his arm around Blake's shoulders as they walked but honestly, it more was to keep him steady. He felt his stomach churning with nervousness as he thoughts ran a million miles an hour.

He knew he couldn't wait until the fireworks tonight to ask her to be his wife. There was no way his nerves would allow that. He shoved his hand in the pocket of his jeans and fiddled with the ring and mentally decided that he was just going to propose when the moment presented itself.

"Hey!" Scotty spoke up as they approached the front of the castle. "Remember last time we were in Disney World together and Chris kissed Blakey in front of the castle and she slapped him?"

Everyone burst into a round of hysterical laughter and Chris realized this was as good a moment as any. He took a deep breath and looked over at Karla, who gave him an encouraging nod, before he turned to Blake.

"Well, I hope this doesn't end in me getting slapped," He started.

Blake looked at him with a confused look on her face until Chris took her hand and got down on one knee, making her realize what was happening. She was in a state of shock which allowed Chris to speak.

"Blakey, when I think back on my life, I can't image what it would have been like without you. You've always been there and I don't want to live the rest of my life without you being there. When I finally got my act together and finally figured out how I felt about you, I realized that I've always loved you Blakey. You've always been the girl for me and you always will be. I want to stay up late talking with you, I want to lay on the couch and watch movies all day and eat pizza with you, I want to come walking down main street with our kids, I want every part of my life to have you in it. I love you like crazy Blake, and I want to love you forever. So... will you marry me?"

At this point, heavy tears were streaming down Blake's cheeks as well as both of the mom's and Chris' sisters. Blake threw her arms around Chris' neck and hugged him tightly as she cried, "Of course I'll marry you!"

Chris held her tight, just relishing the happiness of the moment before he crashed his lips to hers for a passionate kiss. Once they finally parted, Chris slipped the diamond ring onto Blake's slender finger and the two just stared into one another's eyes for a long moment before Chris said, "I'm really glad this kiss in front of the castle didn't end in me getting slapped."

"Well you handled this one a lot better," Blake couldn't help but tease him.

The two didn't have a chance to converse any further though because the family all came over and hugged each of them as they all cried and gushed over the engagement.

"I have been waiting so long for this!" Lisa chuckled through her joyful tears as she hugged her son tightly.

"Me too, because now I get even more license to pick on Blakey since she'll officially be family," Scotty laughed while Blake gave him a light shove.

As she did this, Blake caught a glimpse of the sparkly ring on her finger. The shock was starting to wear off and she realized what truly was happening. She was marrying her confidant, her steadiness, her love, and her best friend. She couldn't help but let out a soft squeal before running over to squeeze Carly, Scott, and Shanna tightly as she buzzed, "Ah! I get to be your sister!"

She then went to Lisa and cried, "And I get to be your daughter!" Then lastly threw her arms around Ethan, Miles, and Stella, kissing their sweet faces and buzzed, "And I get to be your auntie!"

Ethan gave her a confused look and said, "But you were always my auntie."

"She certainly has been," Chris spoke up, answering Ethan even though his words were meant for Blake. "She's always been an auntie, a sister, and a daughter to our family. But now she has another title in our family, and that one is wife." 

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