Heart of glass

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Once upon a time there was a girl, she had dark hair and a voice of gold, along with a shattered heart of glass. She picked it up piece by piece, mending it back together. After some time, she had her whole heart back, it being more beautiful than it was before. It would shine brightly in the sunlight, causing people to stop and stare at her crimson glow.

One day she ran into a boy. This boy became very fond of her, the heart of glass and her golden voice. She was skeptical though, it had been broken before. Slowly learning she could trust the boy, she let him have her heart.

He admired and loved it, being able to see where it had once been cracked, learning the stories behind every scar. He had one too, a heart made of glass, it had scratches, but overall was perfect. She wondered why she could not see his, surely, he trusted her as much as she trusted him.

Alas she only ever got glimpses of it, unlike her crimson heart, his was a beautiful royal blue. She could see the scratches and the chips, but she didn't care. She loved him for who he was, whether his heart was damaged or not. In hopes of getting his heart she would trust him with her voice. She would sing her songs and he would soak up as much of it as he could, but never gave her his heart.

A couple months had passed, and the boy started to take more interest in the heart than the girl. He started to take her love and not reciprocate it. This caused the girl to have doubts, as she gave herself scars, causing her heart to become scared as well. The boy saw this and became worried, as he tried to mend the girl. For once she thought he started to care again, and she promised not to cause scars to herself ever. Her heart slowly became mended again. She tried once again with her voice of gold, but once again it didn't work.

On one unfortunate day, he left. With the girl's heart still in his possession, not realizing what this could do to her.

He took this heart and tried it on a different girl, she had chestnut hair and a fair complexion, it worked for a while, but she soon realized the love was not his own. She left, leaving a ridged scratch on the heart. He realized his mistake and tried to find the crimson girl again but with no avail.

He laid dormant for a couple a months. Until the time came around again when he would see the crimson hearted girl. She never showed, she was gone, but he would hear whispers of her from friends, or from social media. She came to visit twice, and he could still see the love in her eyes. After that, she didn't show her face again. She didn't text or call, for she got in trouble with her parents, but he would not know until it was too late.

He noticed her friend. A girl with dyed hair and an intelligent mind. He sought her out and tried the crimson heart on her. It seemed to work for a little, until the dark hair girl showed her face again, but not in person, just a simple text saying hello. He saw this as his chance to get her back. He tried, but it didn't quite work.

She had figured out he went for her friend. Guilt ate away at the boy as he promised not to do it again. But his promise did not last.

The girl's friend knew what had happen and decided to cut it off, not realizing the heart was not his own she knocked it away and it fell to the floor.

The boy tried to catch it, in hopes of it not shattering again, but he only got hurt. He had replaced his royal blue for the alluring crimson of another, not thinking of the consequences.

The dark hair girl watched as her heart broke on the floor, pieces flying here and there. The boy's arms became covered in shards of the glass and blood as the glass pierced his skin. He picked up the pieces and held them dear.

Shards became imbedded in him, causing him pain, but he would not let it show. He wanted to ice everyone out but there was still something there.

It was the girl, the owner of the heart. Watching him day by day holding in the pain the glass was causing. She had been through it too. She still had scars from the last time it broke.

She wanted to comfort him in the way she knows he needs, but he would just turn away.

Instead he would run to the girl with dyed hair, wanting her love and attention, but not in the way she was giving it to him. That girl would help him with the pain, but it still lingered in his arms and chest.

He would sit and listen to her, slowly repairing the heart of glass not realizing the pain that he was inflicting on the crimson girl.

She still loved him, for he took her heart. All the love she ever had was taken by a boy in royal blue and it was now it has caused his scars.

But this story of mine is not done, not quite yet.

He still loves my voice of gold

He still has my heart and all the love I have

He keeps trying with the wrong girl, with the wrong heart

Because he doesn't want his to break.

He still makes scars, but not on me.

He makes them on my heart

Crimson in color and fragile as glass.

But I still love him, and he will never know.

Because my mother taught me to share....

And sharing is caring...


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