Chapter 1

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  The first thing I realize when I wake up is that I'm not at the Dursleys. Instead, I'm in a voluptuous king-size bed. As I look around, I notice the color of the bedding is very Slytherin-like. The pillow and comforter are black, but the sheets are dark forest green. As I look around some more, I take in the lavishness of the room. There is a bookcase on one wall with an easel in a corner, I can see a walk-in closet that seems to be filled with clothes. I jump as I see the curtains on the side of the room suddenly open making me squint my eyes at the brightness of the sun. The cityscape is amazingly beautiful I gasp as I get a sudden influx of memories. I smile, that's right I'm no longer 16, I'm 24 and married to an amazing husband. I look over to his side of the bed and when I don't see him there, I sigh.

"Jarvis?" I wait, 

"Yes Sir?" I smile,

 "Is he in his lab?"

 "Yes, sir he is, hasn't left since you said goodnight to him" I shake my head, oh Tony. 

    I get up and stretch and walk over to the bathroom. After I'm done with my business I trod down to the kitchen and make him and me a coffee. I take the coffees and head down to his lab, as I say the password his music cuts off making him groan. 

"Love...what did I tell you about doing all-nighters, I don't like to wake up and you not be there." I see his shoulders droop and he turns around in his chair to me and I smile. I kiss his forehead and offer him the other coffee, he takes it with a smile. I sit down on his lap and ask him, 

"What are you working on now love?" He sighs and says,

 "Fury wants me to join the Avengers, but I said no, and to get my mind off of it I've just been down here tinkering." I stroke his face and shake my head, 

"Love I personally think it would be good for you, you need to make more friends besides the three you have."

  He looks offended for a short minute before breaking out in a grin,

 "So you think I should join the Avengers because I need to make more friends?" I nod as he chuckles, 

"Alright, I'll do it, but only for you Honey." I wrap my arms around his neck as I give him a hug. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I lean back and give him a kiss he kisses back in a more ferocious way. I smile against his lips and deepen it. A throat clearing breaks us apart and I look towards the door I see Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, and Nicholas Fury. I smile and lean back into Tony,

 "How may we help you today?" I hear him ask. 

    "I came here to see what your thoughts were on joining the Avengers initiative" I hear him chuckle and I smile at Fury. 

"I'll be joining, but only if this one here" he points at me "has full protection always." I look at Tony,

"Love you know that I can take care of myself, I don't need useless bodyguards" I smile as I see all three of them frown at that. 

"I know Honey, but it would make me feel better if you had at least one to keep you company." I nod my head, 

"Alright I'll agree to that, but I want Phil." At this, he looks genuinely affronted 

"Why him? Besides his first name is Agent" I chuckle and shake my head, 

"Director, you can have my Tony but in regard to my 'bodyguard' I request Phil Coulson."

  Director Fury tries to hide the shocked look on his face before he quickly hides it but I saw it anyway. 

"Coulson? How do you know of him?" I smile and get off Tony's lap, 

"Director I know everything, I know that at exactly 3:25 p.m. every afternoon you have a late lunch before going home at 8:30 p.m. and having dinner." As I finish saying this the shock on his face is evident, 

"How do you know all of this? Who are you?" As he says these words the two beside him have their hands near their guns. I kiss Tony on the lips and walk up towards the Director, he tenses when I touch his arm, and he calms down when I send a rush of calming magic. 

  "What was that?" he whispers, 

"That was what I can do Director, along with a lot more." I walk past them and back into the kitchen. As I start breakfast the elevator dings signaling the entrance of one other person. 

"Phil!" I exclaim as I see him exit the elevator. He gives me the smallest of smiles as I hug him. I drag him by the hand to the kitchen, 

"have you eaten yet?" He shakes his head with a smile, 

 "Alrighty then, would you like your usual?" He nods and I chuckle as I start breakfast for me, Tony, and now Phil.

  Director Fury walks into the kitchen followed by his agents and Tony. 

"Honey, what are you making today?" I put my hand on my hip and point the spatula at him, 

"Whatever I make you'll eat, so don't ask." I hear him snicker as he sits next to Phil, the Director, and his two agents are still standing still doing nothing. I breathe an exasperated sigh, 

"you know, you could just sit down." At this, the two look at Fury and he says something in sign language which makes them go look around the penthouse. 

    I sigh and shake my head as I put down the plates of food in front of Tony and Phil. 

"Would you like some Director?" He looks almost shocked for a moment before declining, 

"No thank you." I shrug and make my plate and sit down next to Tony. As I eat I suddenly tense which in turn makes Tony stop what he's doing and look at me. 

"Harry?" I ignore him and quickly get up leaving my food and going to our room. He follows behind me and asks me what's wrong and I answer him.

 "The Aurors just called me in" at this, he straightens up, 

"Apparently they need the "boy-who-lived" to come because they can't solve a simple problem!" As soon as I finish getting dressed, I feel his arms wrap around me and I relax. 

"Be safe Harry" I turn around and kiss him, 

"Of course Love, for you." He hugs me and I apparate into the Ministry of Magic. As soon as I get there, I let my aura run wild. My magic is whipping around me as I walk toward the elevator. Once I get to the Auror department everyone stops having felt my magic, 

"Where is he" I growl out. One brave Auror points towards an office, I snarl and walk that way. I slam the door open making who was in there jump out of their skin. 


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