Chapter 5: The Past Is Past

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I begin to walk to my bedroom, smiling. I open the door to the bathroom. Heat washes over my face. My eyes widen. Toby stands in front of a mirror, shirtless. Toby turns to looks at me. His face turns red. He rubs the back of his head subconsciously. I jolt.

"H-hey, Jack." Toby greets. I feel a substance roll onto my lips. Blood. My nose must be bleeding.

"Hi, Toby... Uh, I'm gonna go..." I awkwardly excuse myself. I quickly open my door, closing it behind me. I jolt.

I pull down my guard, letting it hang loosely around my neck. My face feels like it's on fire. I fan my face, grabbing a rag. I jolt. I wipe the blood on my face off. I quickly stop the bleeding, throwing the rag in the trash.

I slide down the wall, pushing my goggles in top of my head. I lay my head on my knees, exhaling.

"What is wrong with me?" I ask myself.

It's called being a teenager, Jack. Slender explains. I look up. He stands over me, arms crossed.

"What do you know?" I ask with hostility. Slender sighs.

Jack, I have been stuck in a mansion with multiple teenagers over the years. I have studied them and their behaviors. I don't know how these murders are able to have feelings but, you mess with the things they love, you won't see another day. Slender explains.

I sigh, looking down. Tears start to fall down my face. I jolt.

It's okay to feel anything you are feeling. Nothing is wrong with you. Just.. find an outlet, that isn't meditation. Slender tells me. I look down, sighing. I look up just a Slender teleports away.

I wipe the miniscule tears, standing up. I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and open it. Toby stands in the doorway, smiling awkwardly. I jolt.

I invite him in, closing the door behind me. I slide back down the wall, sitting on the floor. Toby sits cross legged in front of me. I rest my chin on my knees.

"What do you need?" I ask. He looks at my hoodie. I jolt.

"Where did you get your hoodie?" He asks. My eyes droop. I sigh.

"My brother made it for me." I explain, playing with a loose string on one of the sleeves. Toby laughs gently. I look at him curiously, jolting.

"My sister made mine. Mine telling me your story?" Toby asks. I smile softly, nodding.

"Where do I start?" I ask, jolting. He shrugs.

"Start at the beginning." He suggests. I smile softly, jolting.

"I went to public school when I was young. *jolt* Everyone made fun of my jolts so my dad took me out and home schooled me." I start. Toby nods along. "My mom died from breast cancer when I was about nine. My dad drowned himself in work to deal with his depression."

"Oh." Toby mumbles. I smile softly, jolting.

"My older brother, Lyro, took over home schooling me. We grew closer than before. Dad soon became detached more from his work and focused on us. Life was perfect with just the three of us." I tell. Toby's face turns cold at the same time mine does.

"Someone died..." Toby mumbles. I nod softly, jolting.

"My brother died in a car crash when I turned thirteen. I was in the car. I watched the life drain from his body. He told that he would always believe in me no matter what I did. He died in my arms, never making it to the hospital." I explain, sighing. "I was injured in the crash. It had taken away pain. My nerves we're seared, taking away anything I could feel. It left me... numb."

"I know how it feels..." He mumbles. I jolt.

"While I was in the hospital, my dad married his abusive girlfriend. She would abuse us everyday with her bat. No, my brother's bat. Until the day I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine." I continue.

"You killed her?" Toby asks. I nod, jolting.

"I walked downstairs and picked up the bat. She was drinking on the couch, watching TV. I walked behind the couch and slammed the bat into her head. I slammed the bat into her until I had drained all my anger." I explain, lost in my past. "I heard sirens down the street. I quickly ran into the garage and grabbed gas and matches. I ran down the street, spilling gas down the yards. I made it to the edge of the forest, almost closed in by the police. I lit the match and dropped it. I watched my neighborhood, the only home I had ever known, be engulfed in flames."

I explain, smiling sadly. Toby had a few stray tears running down his face. I jolt.

"I saw a flash of red before I passed out. I awoke in my boss's castle. I became his proxy, killing people for him. I was numb, feeling nothing, not even feelings. Then, I met Tam and Bryn. They brought back my feelings." I explain, gently lifting my hoodie.

In the right corner of my back, a faded scar sits where my brand used to be. I drop my hoodie.

"Then, Boss took them away. He said that if I found five replacements, he would let us go for good. I found him replacements, good replacements. Along the way, I ran into the Rake. He gave me the scar over my eye." I end, smiling.

"Then, we found you." Toby finishes. I nod, sitting up.

"Now, tell me your story." I order. He nods, resting his head in his hands.


"So, I Did." : A Creepypasta Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now