Chapter 8: Bryam (Bryn x Tam)

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". . . How many people have you told?" Toby asks. I come back to reality. My eyes widen under my goggles. I jolt.

"Uh... none." I mumble, looking down at my hand. My open palm rests face up on the table. Shards of glass stab into it, seeping blood. Yet, I don't feel a thing. I jolt.

"Oh." He mumbles. I sigh flatly, resting my head on my uninjured hand. I jolt.

"Ya..." I trail off. I jolt.

"So, you trust me then?" He asks, a sly look stitched onto his face. My eyes widen. I quickly look away, coughing. I jolt a little quicker, my hands twitching a little.

"No! Whatever gave you that idea?!" I shout, covering my red face with my mask. I glance over at his face. He is smirking, his arms crossed. I look back at him.

"So, you're a Tsundere?" He asks. I tilt my head in confusion.

"What?" I ask. He looks me up and down.

"Nothing." He answers. I furrow my eyebrows. He looks down at the table, before looking up. He smiles sweetly at me. My heart starts to speed up. "Did it hurt?"

"W-what?" I ask. I quickly purse my lips, though he can't see it. He smirks.

"When you fell from heaven." He explains. My eyes widen. I look down at my lap. The dim light of the kitchen makes him look absolutely adorable. What am I thinking?!

"Can I touch you?"


"So, I can tell my friends that I have been touched by an angel."

My face grows hotter, my heart beating faster, my mind completely void. My jolts become unhinged.

"Are you religious? Cause your the answer to my prayers."


"Tie your boots. I don't want you falling for anyone else."


"Somebody call the cops. It must be illegal to look that good."


"Are you lost? Because heaven is a long way from here."


"Are you a cat? Because I'm feline a connection between us."


My face is as red as strawberries, my heart is pounding a mile a minute, and all I can think about is Toby. My jolts are insane.

"Ehem!" A person clears their throat behind us. I quickly gather myself, diving under the table. I hold my knees. I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I jolt.

They couldn't possibly know, could they?


I take a few more deep breaths before climbing out from under the table. I sit down casually at the table. I start pulling the shards out of my hand, wincing every few minutes for effect. Toby looks confused, but stays quiet. I jolt.

I pull bandages out of my pocket, wrapping the wound. The other two proxies watch me with hawk eyes. I stand up, tossing the shards in the trash. I jolt.

"What happened?" Masky asks.

"I broke a glass of water, no big deal." I answer calmly. I mop up the water with a rag, dropping the wet rag in the sink. I sit down, picking up my bat. I start to run my hand along the chipping wood. I jolt.

"You are a boy, right?" Masky asks. I pause for a split second before continuing. I jolt.

"..." I stay silent.

"You're not a guy?" Masky asks.

"I am not." I answer, grip tightening. "I was born a female. Many people think to discriminate against the female gender, so I hide the fact that I am what I am."

"Well, you had us fooled." Toby explains. I look up at them, jolting.

"Could you three... please keep my secret?" I ask.

"Uh, sure." Toby responds. Masky and Hoodie nod. I jolt.

"You know you will have to tell Boss, right?" Masky asks.

"I already did." I explain. Masky nods, sitting at the table. I jolt as Hoodie sits next to him.

"Well, for some reason... Boss wants Hoodie and I to take both of you on a mission later." Masky explains, changing the subject. I blink twice.

"Like on an actual mission? Where we get to kill people?" I ask. Masky and Hoodie look at me skeptically. I rub my neck sheepishly, jolting. "I've been a recruiter for so long. It's been a while since I have killed a human."

"How have you not gone crazy for the thirst of bloodshed?" Toby asks. I look up, smiling widely under my mask. I jolt.

"How could I go crazy if I have no concious to drive me that way?" I ask. Toby looks confused. "My concious was literally ripped from my soul, I felt... nothing. For the longest time."

"Then, Tam and Bryn saved you?" Hoodie asks. I nod, looking over at him. I jolt.

"I was a ruthless killer, killing anything in my path, human or otherwise. Until, I met them. Everytime I tried to kill a pasta, they held me back. My bloodshed count dropped tremendously. They helped me control the anger I had toward the world. I was finally... where I belonged." I explain quietly. Suddenly, two pairs of arms wrap around. I jolt, looking up.

Tam and Bryn have their arms wrapped around me, in an awkward hug. I smirk, sliding out of their arms. Bryn falls into Tam's arms and they both fall to the floor.

Bryn holds herself over Tam, blushing a bright red. Byrn quickly throws herself off Tam, running off to our room. Tam jumps up, she runs at me fist raised. I smirk, dodging her. Sometimes, I let her hit me.

"You know that she is shy! She has no clue what she is doing! How dare you?!" She shouts, hitting me. She finally backs off, taking a deep breath. I jolt.

"She loves you, ya know?" I ask. Tam looks at me. "And you need to make the first move because you love her, too."

"B-but, w-we're family, I can't, we c-can't-" She is cut off by something unexpected.

A red faced Bryn, pulled on Tam's jacket. Tam's face fell down to Bryn's. Bryn kissed Tam with all her concious might. Honestly, it was reliving. There was so much sexual tension between those two.

Bryn parts their lips, dragging a dazed Tam upstairs.

As soon as the door closes, I start laughing. In the process, I fall to the ground.

"I've been wait so long for that. Finally. I love how all that tension just disappeared in a matter of seconds." I explain after I calmed down. I jolt. Masky chuckles.

"Like the tension between you and Toby?" Masky asks. My eyes subtly widen. I cough, looking away. My face is really hot, butterflies swirl in my stomach. I take a deep breath, leaning back in my chair.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." I answer, looking away. All the proxies chuckle. "How about we go on that mission?"

"Right! We should probably do that soon. It's already past dusk."

"So, I Did." : A Creepypasta Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now