Chapter 7: I Killed Him

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I quickly close my shared bedroom door, locking it. I crawl into the closet, sitting in the corner. I grab my head.

"Please... just.. let me go." I beg, my voice wavering. A loud laugh erupts through my head.

I already have... Who would want an ugly thing like you? You are a mess. No one wants you or loves you.

"No, no, No!" I yell. "I have done a good job holding my emotions back, they can't come now."

I push my back against the wall, digging my nails into my arms.

I don't think I can force him back this time. I have to stop fighting. If I stop fighting, the pain goes away. Just... let it happen.

I can't! I will never! But, the pain will go away. I can't handle it all. Goodbye...

Tears start streaming from my eyes, choked laughing sobs leave my mouth. The closet door opens. I look up.

Tam and Bryn stand in the doorway. They try to come closer. I draw my bat, jolting.

"Don't... come ANY closer." I growl through my sobs. I lower my bat, sobbing laughter escaping my mouth. I jolt.


I can't stop the tears. My head hurts. I push up my goggles. Water pours from them into my lap. More laughing sobs leave my mouth.

I hear a knock on the closet door. I look up. Toby stands in the closet doorway.

He looks down at me, chuckling. I jolt. He takes off his sweater and crawls into the closet. He pulls me into his lap. I wrap my arms around him, sobbing my laughter into his shirt. I jolt every few seconds

I am soon rocked to sleep by his ticking movements.


I wake up in my bed, I sit up. I hold my head, groaning. The pounding in my head is dull. My whole body is sore. I pull my goggles and guard on, fixing my sweater. I pull on my boots. I sigh.

I open my door and walk downstairs. Everyone looks up at me.

"What happened to you? You look like you were hit by a train!" Jeff shouts. I roll my eyes.

"I feel like I was hit by a train..." I mumble. I rub my wrists.

"You okay?" Jane asks. I jolt, stretching my arms.

"I... *yawn* don't know." I tell, jolting.

"So, you never told us what happened to your feet." Toby presses. I grab my bat, walking out the front door.

I walk aimlessly around the forest, dragging my bat. Suddenly, I hear two familiar voices. I hide behind a tree, listening. I jolt.

"So, your a killer, too?" A small whispery voice asks.

"Yes-" A deep voice gets cut off by a loud wack.

"Tree branch." The whispery voice calls. I look around the tree I'm standing behind. My eyes widen. I jolt.

I move to get a better look at the people. One is definitely Jack, the other...

"Chris?" I call out, jolting. Both the heads turn to my direction, drawing their weapons. "It's just me, Jack."

Chris looks up at me, peeling off her mask.

"Jolty? Is that really you?" She asks, walking up to me. Her nose starts to bleed.

She punches me in the face. I groan.

"Oh, shut up. You can't feel it." She angrily whispers. I sigh, jolting.

"So, I Did." : A Creepypasta Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now