1-The royal house

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Hlo, just a heads up. There will be alot of  vernacular in this chapter but don't worry, its only this chapter. Enjoy

Like any other royal house, this royal house is busy, people coming in and out of the different sections of the house. The faada is crowded as always with people of different ages and class, seeking for financial support from the king.

The king is know to be the most generous and simple king of their generation. He has supported and helped his people in more ways than the government has. Thereby making him an example for other kings and people of power in his country and beyond.

  While, inside the royal house is a girl, filled with curiosity. Wanting to know the unknown, hoping to hear the unspoken and wishing to see and touch the forbidden. Her curiosity got the best of her as she got closer to the iron door, wishing it could open up itself for her, but it never did. She was thinking of ways to get through the door when her thought got interrupted.

'Allah rene gimbiya, dime a wadata Haddo? (my princess what are you doing here)' he questioned

'Yawwa mido dabita mada on, lamido vi a mabbitina am dammugal do, wodi Ko mi hosin ta mo(i was looking for you, the king said you should open this door for me, I have to take something for him)' he lied

'dime a hosinta mo(what will you take for him)?' he asks

'Ko hauri mada, ankam na mivi mada lamido on leni am na, waddu kugal ma a usta emde(what is your business, didn't I tell you it's the king that send me? Do your work and stop asking too much question ' she says

'waddu muyal gimbiya amma mi mabbititta, nanini be hunduko mako vi am ta mi mabbitina kowa, Ko yarimajo on(i'm sorry my princess but I can't open it, the king himself told me not to open it to anyone, even if it's the prince' he replies

'haba, anbo, toh, the truth is that the king did not send me, I'm just curious, that's all, I will give you any amount you ask for, please let me in for just a minute, please I'm begging you ' she pleaded

'I'm sorry but I can't' he says

'please and please just a minute, I promise you I won't tell anyone not even my brother, I swear to God, I will do anything, just open the door for me' she begs

'We are sorry princess, I wish we could help you but if we let you in, the king will kill us, plus we don't have the keys, it's with the king' one of them replys

Realising they will be of no help, she turns to leave whispering to herself

'Mtswwwww if I had known you were that useless, I won't have wasted my time pleading to you'

The forbidden room, that is what everybody calls it, many are curious about it, very few know about it, only one person goes into it, but no one dears to say anything about, at least not in the royal house.

Like any other day, today was not different, he came into the room at the exact time he used to, drawing his fingers against the wall till he reached the bed, he did the same on the bed up till the end. He reached the conner that he is all too familiar with, he sat there just the way he did for over twenty-five years. Leaning his head on the wall, he closed his eyes, does memories coming back to him, making him smile. An hour later he came out of the room closing the door behind him and locking it.

'Allah Rene barkama, Allah sure, Allah hokke Aljanna fiddausi' the praise

Raising his hand in approval of their praises, he left for his chamber.

'Assalamu Alaikum'

'Wa Alaikumus Salam'


'Yawwa, hada min shayi'(make me tea)

'Yaw kam baka sha a chan bane?'(today you didn't take it there)?

A'a (no)


It is the beginning of another day in the royal house, the beginning of another drama and problem. Children are playing outside the compound, some women are seated close to the traditional kitchen, cutting, slicing, pounding and gossiping. Some are at the sitting room watching TV while waiting for their sarauniya. But there sat in a room, filled with all worldly possessions a very worried woman. You will think that with all that she has, she won't have worries. Restless about a problem that has no solution, a problem that came into her life for over twenty-five years. A problem she had tried so hard to solve, went to places she should have never, did things she is ashamed to admit, but still didn't solve. She has ran out of ideas and hope. Should she leave everything to Allah? Should she continue seeking for solution? Who should she cry to? Everyone who had helped her before has given up, what should she do? She kept asking herself but she never got an answer. How can someone so small cause this kind of problem for her. How can someone who is no more have so much control of what is hers. She wonders were she could have gone wrong, when she was weak for someone else to take what was rightfully hers. When will this end? When will she get what she wants? How? And from where? Knowing her questions won't be getting answers, she stood up, fixing herself as she leaves for her sitting room.


Waking up to the annoying banging at his door, he turned towards his wall clock, shouting an 'I'm coming '. Seeing the time on the clock he knew he will be in trouble today. Shit, Ya Allah, baba is so going to kill me today, I will be death meat by the end of today' he kept murmuring while rushing into the bathroom not bothering to check who has been knocking. Getting ready as fast as he could, he rushed to the kings chamber. Just as he was going in, people rushed out of the chamber, greeting him as the leave. Going in with a salam, he got a disapproving look from the waziri. He sat down very close to his father's chair and bowed his head.

'Allah rene, a ummi jam na? '

'to mi ummai jam a larata am ha mi jodi do'(if I'm not fine would you see me here)?

Knowing that the king is very angry, he just kept quiet , the stayed there for over a minute without anyone saying a word
'Allah rene, wadu muyal, o tubi(your highness forgive him, he is sorry) ' the waziri said cutting the uncomfortable silence

'acchu mo wadi aibe hokka muyal'(let the person at fault apologize)

Being the stubborn person that he is, he still kept quiet refusing to apologize. The king knew that he won't apologize, so he just let him be for now.

'come back by 2'o'clock sharp, don't be late, again, now leave my side'

'thank you baba' he said while leaving.

The king knew he felt guilty for what he did. He only calls him baba when he wants something or is guilty but his Ago won't let him apologize.

'he is just like you ' stated the waziri

'I know, umar, I know' he replied


'Allah rene this is getting out of hand she stated seating at the edge of the bed
'what is wrong A'bu? ' he questioned

'look at this pictures Allah Rene' she passed her phone to him 'tell me, Bannin hadi bi pullo wona na, a Muslim girl from a respectable house,from this house ' she asks

He stared at the screen for a few seconds then takes his glasses on the side drawer. Wearing it, he looked at the picture again scrolling to see many more.

'there most be an explanation for this '

'that is what you always say when it comes to Jalila even Kha...

'enough, I don't want to here anything, just let me do my investigation ' he cuts her off

'OK, do your investigation, but you should know that even if she isn't my child, I can't seat back and watch her destroy her life and dignity ' she says as she stands up and walk to the bathroom.

He closed his eyes hoping and wishing that it's not true because if it is, he would have no choice but to do the unthinkable.


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