5-ummul kulthum

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You know the kind of people who can turn heads when the step through a door? The ones with flawless beauty, elegant skin. Features of a queen, beautiful face with pointy nose, full lips, big oval shaped eyes with full long lashes, perfectly arched brow and rosy cheeks. Tall, fair and busty with curves at the right places. A perfect elegant lady. That is nothing like me. It is the description of my sister but definitely not me.

I, on the other hand is what you will refer to as the black sheep of the family. I am the less beautiful and less talented. Less everything. I don't have any special features like my sisters, well except for my voice I think. People use to say I have an enchanting voice maybe just to make me feel a little special. I am anything but beautiful. I don't have my sisters' fair complexion or perfect look. Ok I know now you will be wondering who I am, so here we go.

My name is UMMUL KULTHUM, I come from a small family of seven. I have two brothers and two sisters. Asmau,Hassan and Husain, I and jamila. My mother Fatima and father Adamu. I have only one friend, her name is sa'adatu. Today is my 18th birthday and like any other birthdays of mine I get nothing. You see in my part of the world, all this things don't matter, it's not important instead it's considered haram. I can still remember when jamila was 12years, she came up to our mother and said she wants a birthday party, her reply was ' a'uzubillahi, min kam na ha sare am on wadata faasikaku do ba, saalinam ta mi pusa hore mada (it's not in my house that you will do this nonsense, move here before I break you head)'. Mothers are something else I tell you.

Speaking of mothers my mother is the best example of a Fulani mother. Her aim in life is to feed her husband,make him happy, bear children, teach daughters house work and marry them off to eligible bachelors. As for the sons, get them married to ladies you can control.

Wait, I'm changing the subject.

I was telling you about how today is my birthday, so instead of waiting for someone to give me something, I decided to give myself something. Something I haven't ever had, something no one is able or willing to give me. COURAGE, that is it. The courage to stand up for myself, to do the things I have always wanted to, say my mind. Live my life the way every girl is expected to in her father's house. And I have started so with this writing. I was told by one of my teachers to always find someone to talk to about my feelings or I should write them down. I choose to write them because, just forget it, it's a story for another day. So, from today I will be writing things that happen in my life, also things that I plan on doing.

I am not done telling you about my self. You see, I am not well. I always fall sick easily, I don't know why but I was born like this. Many people say I am cursed, some say it is ginnaji, sorry I don't know the English name but I will ask Mr Richard. Mr Richard is my English teacher in school. Yes I go to school and I'm in form 5. I will tell you about my school another time, not today. So I am a sick girl that is why I am always small and thin like a stick. People use to call me korle  ea (bone legs), choigel, and many more. It used of disturb me before but now I am used to it. Because I am sick my mother does not trust me with any work. I spent everyday at home doing nothing. This has give me a chance to read books and learn a lot.

Today I am happy that I have started doing what I like. The only thing I can really do.

I'm going to stop here today, but don't worry, you will See Me soon. Bye.

Closing the book in her hand, tears run down her face, tears of joy and happiness, she felt satisfied, satisfied that she knows something about her mother even though it was little. A knock from the door interrupted her thoughts. She wipes her face and shouts a 'come in'. Farrah comes in with a big smile on her face.

'Guess what' she said happily

'What' he asked

'I said guess'

'Just tell if you would, I'm not guessing anything' she replied in annoyance

'wow, what got your pants so twisted today ' she says with a frown 'ok since you wouldn't guess, Your Prince Charming is here to see you' she smirks

'I'm not going, I already told him not to come' replied jalila

'So you know about it?' she asked

'Yes and I don't want to see him' she answers, crossing her hands on her chest

'Look, jalila I know you don't want this marriage to begin with and I know you are angry about everything, but you have to start believing and accepting it, you are married to him now, his wife. By the way not everyone is as lucky as you are. He has accepted you as his wife, at least do the same' she states

'OK I will accept him as a wife too' replies jalila playfully. That owned her a glance from farrah

'What? You said I should do the same and that's what I'm going to do' she says

'You know what I mean'she states still glancing at her

'Fine I will try, but I still won't see him today' she replies stubbornly

'Mtswww, Wallah if you don't stand up and get ready, I will drag you to that parlour like this' he threatened

'I'm too heavy for you, you can't drag me' she smirked satisfied with her answer

'OK, fine, I will just go and tell him to come in here ' she threatens again

'You won't ' she gasps

'Try me babe and see' she replies with an evil smile

Knowing her cousin, she knows she would do it 'Fine, give me five minutes' she agrees

'Good for you ' he says. She leaves the room, happy with her achievement. Helping her cousins take a step to a new beginning.

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