4- Mother

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Going into the parlour with a Salam, jalila seats on the large Italian carpet as far as she could from him. Since that day their relationship has changed in her eyes.

'come closer my dear'

She moves a little bit closer but still far from him

With a small laugh, he stands up from were he was seated and comes to seat on the carpet close to her.

She gasps and says  'baba please stand up, don't seat like this'

'why?' he asks

'please baba seat on your chair'


'babaaa ' she winces

'if you want me to seat on the chair, then you have to seat with me'

'OK I will seat, just stand up now'

He stands to seat on a two seater, and pats the empty space for her to seat.

As she seats close to her father, she realizes just how much she had missed him
'baba I missed you '

'I missed you too my princess, so much' he replied making the tears she tried to hold fall on her face.

' what I'm I seeing? is it tears, no no no, you better stop crying, save it for later, you will need it more' that made her chuckle.

' my baby is now a married woman, someone else's wife. Jalila my dear, do you trust me? ' she nods ' OK then, I want you to trust me on this too, I want you to give this marriage a chance, try to make it work, even if not for, do it for your mother'. This got her attention making her to look up. ' yes, she had always dreamt of you marrying him. She use to make him hold you, saying she is teaching him how to take care of his wife. The both chuckled

'You know, she was the most amazing woman in this world. She didn't have the most beautiful face but she had the most beautiful heart,the biggest heart, so innocent, so pure. Her voice, Ya Allah ' he looks up at the ceiling 'she had the most alluring voice, when she speaks it's just enchanting, she is different, she say things differently and everyday, I see a different part of her in you'

He picks up a box on the stool close to him and place it on her laps.

'open it'

She opens it and takes out a book. It looks very old with its edges torn out. Out of confusion, she looks up to her father with a puzzled look.

'it's your mother's. This is her diary'

' baba why are you giving me... '

he cuts her off 'because you deserve it, you deserve to know your mother. I know I've been depriving you of that for a long time. I thought I was protecting you but I realized I wasn't. I realized I was punishing you for a crime you never committed and my dear, 
I'm sorry for that, forgive me'.

' baba don't say that, I forgive you and I understand were you are coming from. That is why I never took it at her. So no more apologies

' I want to ask for another favor from you '

'what is it baba' she replied

'please don't hate me after reading this diary' he pleads

'why will I hate you baba, I will never do that no matter what ' she argues

'jalila I'm not the best of people, I have made a lot of mistakes before which is very disgusting. It's not something I would want any of my children to know but I guess it's not everything that you want you get. So I'm begging you now to please not hate me when you know of it' he continues pleading

'OK baba, In Sha Allah if you say so, but I know I can't hate you even if I try' replying him


'Hello' she says as she picks up the call

'Assalamu Alaiki' the person on the other side of the line says

'Wa Alaikas Salam' she replies

'Good morning wifey'

'Don't call me that' she snaps

'Why not? After all you are my wife ' he replies

'I don't have your time, what do you want'

'Well that is no way to talk to your new handsome husband'

'Oh, I apologize 'my new handsome husband',please do tell me the reason behind this sudden unexpected call' she replies sarcastically

He chuckles 'our flight will be tomorrow by 2pm. Get ready with your friends, I will come pick you up by 1.


'Can I come see you tonight?' he askes

'No' she answers

'I'm still coming' he replies

'Then why did you bother to ask' she questions in annoyance

'I just felt like it' he replies

'I don't like you' she states

'Hahaha bye princess, see you tonight' he ends the call

'Eyeh, su handsome hubby manya, see the girl that was crying two days ago saying she doesn't want to get marry, hmm bikkoi jamanu' adda ummi teases

'Adda ummiii, I don't like him fa' she winces

'oho dei, an andi (that's your problem)' adda ummi replies while leaving the room.


Seating on her queen size bed, in her fancy night wear, with the side lamp as the only source of light. Thinking deeply, with a frown on her face, one look at her, you will know she is troubled. You will think that after getting rid of the favorite daughter, she would find peace, but no, she still isn't satisfied. How can she get to marry the best among them. Why would she marry a man she has been saving for her own daughter. She thought she had things under control but now it seems like she is wrong. 'she is just like her mother, always Lucky' she says bitterly. ' I should have just killed her when I had the chance, it was a stupid mistake, now I'm paying for it, Mtswwwww, now what I'm I going to do?, from one problem to another'. An idea pops like a light bulb on her head making her smile ' the patient dog the say gets the fattest bone,but first thing first let me let her a few months' she says with smirk. Turning off her side lamp, she laid on her bed with a satisfied smile and heart even though she has to be patient and wait for the right time to strike.

She drifts off to sleep, saying at the back of her mind 'you will pay, your daughter will pay, she will pay, Ummul kulthum.

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