2-the unthinkable

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Looking at herself in the mirror, she knows she looks beautiful, the look of a perfect bride. Wearing the kind of dress any girl will wish for,the most expensive Jewelries which even her elder sisters didn't get and sure her younger ones won't. The girl that stood before her is what people will call PERFECT, the perfect happy bride. But she is anything but happy, she is sad, angry, nervous, confuse. She is all that but not happy.

A month ago if someone had come up to her and told her she will be getting married today, that too to someone she doesn't know talk less of loving, she would had laughed so hard, after that, fix the person an appointment in the hospital to get checked. But here she is today, dressed up to do just that. Seating down on her bed, she recalls what happened a month ago.

Assalamu Alaikum

Wa alaikis Salam

Baba good morning


Jam bandu na baba


Baba Ko fe'i (what happened) you are too quiet

He throws an envelope telling her to open it. She opens it coming face to face with pictures. Pictures of her in dubai with her newest boyfriend. Pictures that are not meant to be seen by any elder especially not her father. He stood up to face the wall turning his back at her.
'explain' he ordered

'I... I... I... ' she stammered

'where did I go wrong in raising you jalila?' he asked 'tell me' he pleaded

'baba I... I.. '

'YOU WHAT?' he shouted, turning back to look at her 'TELL ME, YOU WHAT'

' it was a mistake baba, I swear it won't happen again' she cried

'you are right, it won't happen again, because you will be getting married in a month time and... '

WHAT,baba you can't do this to me

'I can and I will, you won't be stepping your foot out of this house till the day you will be taken to your husband's house, I'm I clear?'

'how could you do this to me


'baba please don't do this to me, punish me in any way but this, please baba, I'm begging ' she sobs

'leave my side'



Wiping the tears off her face, 'I wish my mom is still alive, even if the world will be against me, I know she won't ' she thought. A knock at her door snapped her out of her thoughts, she stands up to open the door. She screams out of delight on seeing who was behind the door, hugging her like her life depends on it.

'adda ummi' she sobs

'my baby, it's OK, don't cry, you will ruin your makeup'

'I don't care' she sobbs

'but I do, let's get in first, then we will talk, ok? '

She nods in agreement. Closing the door behind them, she sobs 'adda ummi he is forcing me,please talk to him, he will listen to you, I can't do this, I know I made a mistake but it won't happen again, I will do anything he wants if he calls off this wedding, please adda please' she pleaded dropping on her knees .

' I tried talking to him but he won't listen, I'm sorry Jalila but there is nothing I can do, you really made a big mistake, how could you do something like that? ' adda ummi states

' Adda, I have my reason, even though I know it's not a good enough reason' she argues

The sound of women shouting, singing, gudaring (I don't know what it's called in English 😊) outside caught their attention. The jakadiya burst in shouting 'be Habbi' 'be habbi'. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Upon hearing that jalila breaks down into another section of sobs.

'the deed has been done' states adda ummi

Jalila is a completely different person outside the walls of her father's house. If you didn't know her you will never guess she is a princess. She is humble, friendly, nice and a whole lot of it. This makes it easy, for her to get along with people. But even so, she has a small cycle of friends. Today being her big day, her three friends, ( fauziya, Aisha and Kamila), her closest cousin farrah, her immediate and closest sister Ummul and her best friend Rabiat are here to support and celebrate with her and hence the teasing session began.

'wai ni rowan angon ake mana ne?' questions Aisha

'ki tambayeta dei Aisha, Ko Dan hoton sa ma baza a nuna mana ba' stated fauziya
'banda hoton ne, babes kun san dei dazan muku rowan ganin shi ba, by the way, why the hurry, very soon zai zo Ai' Jalila replies

'ni dei I can't wait to see him ' said fauziya

'Da Allah chan, wai can't wait to see him Kamar mijin ki ne, jalila beware of this types' said kamila making everyone in the room to laugh

'ke banza, ba naki mijin nakeson gani ba ' replies embarrassed

'OK enough let's get her ready to see her man, he will be here very soon' said rabi'at

Jalila is seated on her bed,waiting for him to come in. Her friends left the room just now after he requested to see her alone before the photo session. A knock caught her attention making her to fix her posture.

'Assalamu Alaikum ' she heard a deep voice say

'Wa Alaikas Salam ' she replied in a small voice

He walks in seating on her mirror stool facing her. Staring at her he tells himself 'she is gorgeous'

'How are you?' he asks

'I'm fine' she replies

'And the wedding?'

'Alhamdulillah' she replies

'Congratulations' he says awkwardly

'Same to you'

After a few minutes of awkward silence

'So we are married now and you are my wife' he says

'Obviously ' she said rolling her eyes, making him chuckle softly

' I don't want you to hate me for this' he says

'look Mr, I... ' a loud knock on the door cuts her. Rabi'at's voice came saying 'I hope you guys are not making out in there because people are waiting for you out here' ' take you time guys, we will wait' farrah added.

He chuckled loudly making her feel embarrassed

' Ya Allah, I'm going to kill this girls' she said making him laugh. He stands up  and makes his way to her

'let's go' he says stretching out his hand for her to take and leading her to the door. He opens the door making her go first as he lets go of her hand. As they step out he holds her hand again walking side by side into the parlour.


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