3- gestures

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Looking at the fombina royal house even from outside, you would know that a daughter of the house is getting married. Even though the wedding fatiha had already taken place since yesterday, you can still see people seated at the door, waiting for special guest to give out money, the increased number of  dogari (royal guards) and police men, even soldiers. The algaita men trouping into the house in groups of four and more. The inside of the house is no less chaotic that the outside, if not its even more. From people that are  familiar, unfamiliar, know to unknown all wanting to help celebrate.

Every section of the house is filled with people, everyone happy for their individual reasons. Some genuinely happy for the couples, some satisfied on getting rid of the favorite daughter, a few excited about making money and most don't care at all, just hoping to get free food and drinks.

After listening to hours and hours of nasiha and hudubas from her mothers, jalila is now resting on her bed. It is the longest she had ever sat to listen to the same thing again and again. She was taken to each chamber by adda ummi.

Starting with the aunty zubaina aka sarauniya 'Queen bee', she didn't stay long there, because their relationship was never great. Jalila knew the woman never liked her since when she was small but it never bothered her because the felling is mutual. She gave her own advice which jalila didn't listen to most because she kept zooming out.

Next was aunty Fatima aka the 'silent snail'. She is the silent one in the house and is always slow, never gets in a fight and doesn't pock her nose into other people's business. Jalila had never had any problems with her and she has always been nice and sweet. She is her second option when she needs motherly support. She was never much of a talkative so hers was simple and short but very heart warming which made jalila's eyes water.

Then came aunty Zainab aka mama Zee aka slay mama aka Iron lady. She has many names given to her in the house by different members especially the children. Even though she was the third wife, she is the most understanding and closes to jalila. She was the one who stood as the mother figure for her, so she always took her as her mother among the three. Jalila spent the most time in her chamber. She started up with jokes making her laugh then silly comments on some things she read on Instagram, then when to the serious part ending with emotional words, making her cry her eyes out. After which she forced her to eat breakfast.

Jalila was then taken to her grandmother's section were her aunties filled her up with embarrassing talks that she knows she can never do especially for her so called 'husband'.

After the long walk round the house and exzusting moments, she is now getting her deserved rest before the soturdu (budan kai). She drifted off to la-la land thinking of how her life is going to turn after today.


Dressed in leaf patterned super was sewn into a fitted gown, aunty ummi helped her into her alkyabba, it is white in colour with golden embroidery on the cap and down it at the front round the edges. Her gold earrings and rings are her only accessories. With a simple makeup on, she wears her Calvin Klein covers to wrap up her look. Simple but elegant that's what she looks.

The budan kai when great. She came home with over one million naira, a Quran, praying mat, and other things which she can't remember. He mother in-law gave her five hundred thousand and the rest came from other members of the family. She wasn't able to see her well but from the little she saw, jalila knew the woman is beautiful.


Looking at the hall as she steps in , jalila knows that this is her dream come true,  the type of dinner she had always dreamt of. From the crowd, to the decorations and the arrangement, everything looks perfect. A large maroon carpet spread on the white floor, from the entrance to the stage. Tables arranged at both sides with ivory gold and maroon table cloths spread along with their chairs. Perfect by Ed Sheeran is being played as the go in while the MC keeps annouseing their arrival. She is dressed in a beautiful long sleeve Maroon gown with golden embroidery at the neck, sleeves and end of dress, with golden flower patterns all over, her golden head gear stood out elegantly. Italian gold Jewelries adorned her neck, ears, and wrist. The groom on the other hand, went for an all white look, with a few touches of black and gold.

Half way through the stage, Farrah and Rabi'at who were leading them stopped making them all to do so. The walked up to the stage to the groom.

She couldn't hear what the were conversing but she saw under her lashes one of the friends put his hand in his pocket and brought out a bundle of 500 naira notes. He gave it to rabi'at. She happily collected it with a smile. As she walks back the MC speaks again saying 'she is a one of a kind bride and it has just been proven. The groom had to pay before he could see her tonight and I am sure he will pay more again to see her tomorrow again. But I hope he doesn't have to pay everyday to see her because he might end up broke by the end of the year' making the audience laugh.

As they reach the stage, he offered her the crook of his arm to loop her hand through saying 'shall we mi lady?'

The whole place went silent as everybody's eyes were trailed on the couple, a series of 'Awwws' and 'wows' came from the crowd on seeing this gesture.

She did so and the walked to their designated seat side by side with dj playing the song king of my heart by Taylor Swift.

But the question is that is he really the king of her heart?

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