Unfortunate events

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Roses POV

Luke spent the night at my place.Though we went to his to grab his things,it was a peaceful night just him and I on my bed cuddling with him uh my arms.

He had broke.

But he was always broken.

"Rose wake up" he whined in my neck making me giggle.

"Hm if that's how you wanna play" he said

He got up.And I felt a budge on my head.


"OW" I laughed as he began to repeatedly hit me with pillows.

We both ended it with laughter

And with that we both got up and decided to get dressed.

We took out showers brushed our teeth.I got changed in some white high waisted shorts and white tank top with maroon doc martens.I decided no makeup just some bold red lipstick.

I got out of the bathroom.Seeing Luke doing his hair in his effect less quiff.As usual he looked stunning in his signature black skinny jeans and a black tee,slipping on his black vans before following me out the door.

"rose you look like n-nature" he spoke shyly.I chuckled "nature?" I said."I I mean you look beautiful.Natural beauty" he said while "I giggled finally understanding what he meant.

"come on Luke.We can get breakfast at a cafe or something"

And with that we left.

We walked trough the gates in school.Hand in hand as people have us weird stares.

I kept my lookout for Michael and ashton.Theyre words on replay in my head.luke and I don't have the same classes together.Michael and ashton aren't seen today,so I guess this will go well.But then again my instincts are ALWAYS worng.

The bell rang meaning to go to our class.

I looked to luke.who was looking chill smiling down at my reassuringly "be careful.okay?" I said softly while looking into his blue eyes.

He smiled down at me "of course" he simply said.Leaning down to kiss my forehead.


English was my first class I couldn't even pay attention to what mrs Davis was saying.All I could think about was luke.He kissed my cheek and we aren't even together.sure we have our moments but we aren't a couple.nor have we been on a date!. maybe that was a friendly kiss.I sighed acting confused as I waited for time to fly for my next period with luke.

- - - - LUKES POV

I kissed her forehead before going our separate ways.Shes so beautiful.the way her green eyes light up.her pink red plump lips as she bites it when she's nervous.or how her beautiful black hair would fall perfectly and effortlessly,theres no denying it,i just can't ask her out.

Not when I'm lying to her.

I was strolling through the school in the field. I suddenly stopped when I saw someone I was sure trying to avoid.

"Take a walk with me?" Michael smiled.

I looked at him sceptically,yesterday he threatens me,so how could I be sure that all he wants to do I walk.Rose isn't with me so call me fool that I actually need rose to protect me.i may be a murderer or a rapist but right now I'm luke.i don't have confidence.I'm just a sad spaghetti who can only fend for himself when he's protected.in my case.my mask.

"Okay" I blurted.

His smile grew,he waved a hand in the air cuing all 8 big guys up to Michael.

Michael cracked his knuckles and his neck.

"Let's take our walk shall we?" Michael smirked evily.

------ROSES POV-------------------

The bell rang and I instantly shot put of the classroom.I searched the halls for luke.but he was nowhere

"He's probably somewhere important" I said quietly

Ashton and Michael were still nowhere to be seen.

Neither was calum.

He's probably in a holiday,but something in the back of my mind told me that that is not the case here.But I didn't want to believe it,Luke wouldn't have anything to do with it.

I walked to my next class without Luke and began through the boring lesson.

another bell.

Luke hasn't returned.

I was starting to get nervous and anxious about everything.he couldn't be anywhere but here right?.

I ran around searching the school like a maniac ignoring the weird glances from everyone.I continued running and panting in the process

my eyes caught one thing.My eyes widened.jaw dropped,lips quivering. I didn't think of anything but to run

Run towards Luke.

"STOP PLEASE GET OFF HIM" i screamed as I tried my best to pull Michael off luke.He didn't listen instead his group and him just continued to throw hard punches at Luke who I could see.I shoved all of them off to reveal a bloody Luke sprawled out on the floor.

I was furious.

I threw my hand back and took a swing to michaels jaw. "rose stay out of this" he said harshly while holding his jaw.

I didn't say anything.Ashton went to me and pulled me away from Luke letting them continue their unfinished business "LET HER GO" luke yelled instantly getting up running towards me. a guy with dark brown hair was the first to run up to Luke but he just punched the guy right in the nose.

He beat up the rest of the guys quickly until it was down to Michael and him.

I watched while screaming loudly and crying uncontrollably. "Luke.i never wanted it to happen like this.but you messed with my bestfriend.HES GONE. I know what I heard and I know it was you" Michael said while running to luke throwing his punch.

But Luke had the faster reflex as he just caught michaels fist and punch him right in the mouth. Michael fell to the ground giving Luke the advantage to punch him repeatedly in the face.Ashton let go of me to help Luke but he just ended up getting hit as well.

They were both on the ground.

I stood there quietly sobbing with Luke infront of me with cut up knuckles and a dried blood face.

I didn't even notice the huge crowd around us all. I ran towards Luke leaping into his arms crying.

"I'm so sorry" I cried into his chest.

He held up my face

Smiling weakly.

Planting a kiss on my forehead.

Before turning his heels,and walking away.

Leaving me with the crowd.



I wonder where Luke went lol

I can't wait for the new chapter,

The next chapter is the one that inspired me to write the whole book about it.

Oh and I added the picture that played rose.but it didn't work because I'm writing from my iphone.so yeh if you guys wanna know what she looks like message me on wattpad and I'll send you the photo if that's possible!!


RAPE//Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now