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Percy walked me back to the cabin and instructed me to sit down on my bed.

"What was that all about?" I blurted. I slapped my hand on my mouth and looked down at the ground. I knew I shouldn't be asking questions. I had a feeling this was about me, but I wasn't sure.

"No, no. I should explain." Percy said. "I had a dream- Wait you know about demigod dreams?" I shook my head. He sighed. "Well demigod dreams are usually snipits of things that are going on, going to happen, or already happened in real life. So when I had a dream about you- well, not you, like an older more sophisticated you, talking to my mom, I knew I had to see her. But when she refused to tell me something that could help you get your memory back, I had to bring you to her. And when she saw that I was right, she gave me this-" He held up a silver ballpoint pen, like his (but silver), "and what I needed to get you memory back."

"Wichh is..." I looked at him. He looked down at the ground.

"You are home. You need to finish this fight." I blacked out.

I woke up facing a girl that looked like me, but older. The same brown hair with gold streaks, the same turquoise eyes, the same muscular build, the same perfect tan. The same scar across her eyebrow.

"Styx, can you hear me ok?" I stifled a laugh. What kind of name is Styx? "It's yours. Don't be stubborn, accept it!" She sighed.

"Who am I?" I asked. I figured if anyone would know, it was her. "And who are you?"

"I am you. You are me."

"What? Are you insane?"

"Yes and no. No and yes."

"So, yes. Can I wake up now? I know my name." Part of me stopped. The fight Percy mentioned?

"Yes, yes. So you heard what Percy said?" I nodded. "Good. I don't have to say them to you again. Anyway we-"


"Yes. Just let me finish! Generations upon generations have been fighting our brother to prove to our Father who is better you will grow and train to take part in this fight. I have given you more time to train then my previous self, who set my age as 15. When you turn 16, in two more years, you shall start fighting our brother-"

"Hold up. Wait a minute. Our brother?"

"Yes. His name is Damien. As I was saying you shall start fighting him and maybe win this time. But when you die, put your body in the water so you can create another generation of Styx. You have powers beyond your belief, bla bla bla, good luck, good bye." 

The Story of Styx. (Not Sticks, Styx.)Where stories live. Discover now