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"Umm... hi, Ivana? How is 'Artimé' in the Dragon Triangle?" She frowns.

"Stay there. I'll be back with Thisbe and Fifer." When I heard the names Thisbe and Fifer I was thinking I was going to meet 2 20-some year-olds that would fuss over me. What I get was 2 irresponsible 14 year-olds.

Thisbe and Fifer look exactly the same. Like, impossibly alike. They both had dark brown hair. Eyes so black they all looked like the pupil, and nicely tanned skin. They looked at me, looked at each other and back at me.

"Hi, I'm Thisbe." The girl with the shorter hair said.

"And I'm Fifer." The girl with the long hair said.

"Hi." I said. They sat by my bed.

"You have a name? Cause right now your known as the girl who fell out of the sky." Thisbe said. Fifer slapped her arm.

"Don't be mean."

"I wasn't being mean."

"Yes, you were!"

"Nuh, uh! I was being sarcastic!" I rolled my eyes.

"Girls, girls, stop." They looked at me. "My name is Styx." They raised their eyebrows.

"Sticks, like, dead tree branches?" They said in unison. They sound just like my brother.

"No, Styx like the River Styx." They looked at me weird.

"The River Styx?" Fifer asked, "I have no idea what that is." No idea what the River Styx are? What is this place?

"Do you know about Greek Mythology? Like the Greek Gods? Zeus, Hera..." I asked.

"Oh! Is Perseus, Perseus! Greek Mythology?" Thisbe asked.

"Kinda. That's a play, right?"

"Yeah. Alex was telling us about the time he was in the play." Fifer said. I thought for a second. If 'Artimé' was somewhere in the Dragon Triangle and didn't know about the rest of the world, then how was I ever going to get back to Camp Half Blood? Damian would be sure I was dead and probably would tell Father I was dead and he won. But wouldn't Father know? 'Artimé' was still salt water, right? I would need to find out. I tested my body. I felt fine. Afterall, I landed in water. I sat up. Thisbe and Fifer gawked.

"How are you ok?" Thisbe asked.

"Umm I'll tell you later. I need to check something."

I was too busy trying to find the door when I bumped into someone with armfuls of different paints and paintbrushes.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. I bent down to help them pick up their paint things. We looked up at each other. He had crisp blue eyes, black curly hair and a fair tan like Thisbe's and Fifer's. he looked about my age, 16.

"It's fine." He said. "Are you new here?"

"Well, I guess you could say that. I mean I feel out of the sky." I held out my hand. "I'm Styx."

"Nox. You fell out of the sky?"

"Long story. Could you tell me where the main entrance is?" Nox looked at me.

"Yeah. Go straight," he pointed down the hall, "Then take a left and then a right."

"Thanks." I started walking away.

"Oh and Styx," I looked back and he grinned. "Don't be scared of the statues."

The Story of Styx. (Not Sticks, Styx.)Where stories live. Discover now