"You Satanist"

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Soooo.... This is more of a long and weird story and it actually happened a couple of minutes before I wrote this.
My sister and I were hanging out (mostly because she would not leave my room) we were messing around and reading Lovestruck.

Then our younger sister came in and said what sounded like "you satanist" So I decided it was a great idea to use my best really Catholic/Christian southern voice (it's ok I'm from the south)  and look at my sister, playfully slap her side saying "YOU satanist"

This went on for a while in till some how we ended up running into the laundry room.

(Like two weeks later after writing the first paragraphs)

So yeah after that.... We talk about how I should write this in my random thoughts thing.

Probably not as funny as it was in the moment, but yeah, what are some fun moments you had with your siblings?

Thanks for reading!

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