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Hey peeps..... Yup I said peeps.

I released a couple chapters recently of my newest story. I know I haven't exactly been great with updates so I'll make sure I try to update quicker.....

Though I doubt you guys care about that, so here is some random thoughts.

Random thoughts

If the zombie apocalypse happened it would end in at most a month, especially during winter or summer months because most thoughts are zombies can't survive the cold, and bodies decay in 2 weeks in hot dry climate.... So that's interesting.

No matter what it will never be the same day ever again.........

If you liked a person older than you in a animated show or movie and you finally become there age your still younger... And when you're "older" Does that make you a pedophile because technically they never age... Well hoover dam.

Who invented the word... Word?

Why are some against intercourse before marriage, like I'm a nun for life but if you think about it Adam and Eve never got married and had three kids, so what's wrong with it.

We kill bugs that help us... But we don't kill stupid people that hurt us...*foot steps and whispers* What that's against the law.... Well damn.

Tiana a strong, independent, respectful women kissed a frog... For money.

All ghosts that we hear about are from 16- present. So does that mean the after life is over filled and we have to wait till we can go there......

Zero was my first husbando

Well that's all for today.... Byeeee

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