Got beat up and a kiss

21 1 0

Morgan Pov

I didn't go to school for 3 days because I had a migraine so I didn't see Grayson.

It is now Thursday, and I decided that I would go today.

At least I would get to go to basketball practice and see Grayson in some of my classes.

When I get up I run into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

After I was done with my shower I realized that I had left my towel in my room.

" DREW." I yelled.

I soon footsteps coming from down the hall. Andrew was in nothing but boxers and socks.

" yes?" he questioned.

" can you get my towel from my room?" I asked.

He nodded and ran of to my room. He came back with my towel.

" thank you." I said.

He nodded.

" why don't you have your uniform on?" I asked him.

Andrew looked down and laughed.

" because I was watching Paw Patrol." he laughed.

I nodded and we both back to our rooms to get dressed.

When I was done, I went to Andrew's room to see if he was ready to go to school.

Andrew was on the floor putting his shoes on the wrong feet.

" buddy wait wrong feet." I said.

He stopped and looked at me with a frustrated expression.

" Let me help you." I said.

I took his shoes off and put them on the right foot, then I helped him up.

" thank you." he said.

I nodded.

" now come on, time to go have breakfast." I said.

Andrew and I walked downstairs to the kitchen to find dad putting a box of cereal on the table.

I poured the cereal into the bowls, while my dad poured the milk, and Andrew got the spoons.

" wmherr mwommy awt?" Andrew asked with mouth full of cereal.

" she got called in early." dad replied.

Andrew nodded and continued eating his cereal while I eating my cereal and chatting with dad.

Once the time hit 7:45 a.m dad hugged us goodbye and left the house.

" Drew it's time to go to school, go put your coat on and get you bag." I said.

Andrew nodded at left the kitchen. I left the kitchen and got my bag.

" READY TO GO." Andrew yelled.

Andrew and I walked to my car. I strapped him in and got in the car.

I turned the radio and started driving to Andrew pre-school.

" ready to go?" I asked Andrew.

" yes." he replied.

I got out the car and got Andrew out his carseat. I walked him to class and we said our goodbyes.

I got in the car and noticed that the time was 8:19 a.m. As I was driving I fell into traffic.

By the time I got to school it was 8: 51 a.m. so I hurried to my locker to get my stuff.

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