Chapter 3

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"Girl get yo ass out the car" Treasure was really starting to aggravate me with this bullshit  she had going on, even though we weren't together I still missed her like hell

"Damn look atchu' I bit my bottom lip showcasing my diamond studded gold teeth. Treasure looked like one of the chocolate bunnies you only got around easter.

I helped her and Ky out of  the car watching her every move
"Stop staring at me and come on before your girlfriend see us" I chuckled
"Ion got one if them" she rolled her eyes laying Ky back on her chest

"What is this place" she asked staring in awe
"An expensive ass restaurant" I told her laughing
" I see, what damn restaurant has car seat high chairs" she smiled placing Kiyrin in the seat strapping him in

"We'll just get him some apple sauce and water til we get back" I told her looking over the menu
"What can I get for you guys today" the waitress asked looking over to Treasure
"Water and the garden chicken salad deluxe for me and applesauce and another water" She told the waiter

"And for you sir" she asked me smiling
"The same"
"Ok so two garden chicken salad deluxe, three waters and applesauce" she repeated and we we nodded
"Ok be back shortly" she walked away

"Treasure you look beautiful" I admired her from across the booth, Lee and Natalie was both fine but they both weren't fucking with tt on her worst day.

"Hows business going" she questioned me
"The shits booming actually I connected 4 more niggas and money has quadrupled" I continued staring at her

"Oh well that's good"
"Enough about me Treasure how you and my son been" I looked over at the two while the waiter placed the food on the table
"Check please" she asked so we wouldn't have to wait once we finished

"We've been good" she still short answered me
"You seeing somebody" I asked her
"That's my business King"! She got louder
"I needa' know who around yah' I told her feeding Kiyrin the applesauce

"Do I ask you? Why do I need your permission if you don't abide by the same rules" she rolled her eyes again
"You need my permission cause I said so Treasure" I looked over to see Ky sleep in the chair

"Yeah whatever King"
"TT I'm sorry for hurting you like that mami because we both know you ain't deserve that shit" I leaned across the table kissing her only to get pushed away

"I'm serious King coparenting nothing more than that" I nodded
"Well can I at least drop y'all off at home after work" I asked her
"No" she told me
"Why not"
"Because I want my personal space" she told me

"Nah you must got a nigga there but that's fine cause buddy bouta' get the fuck outta there when I pull up" I stressed
"Don't even start King, I don't do that to you" I shrugged

"Oh well"

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