Chapter 27

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"Nah bro you promised my family wouldn't get hurt if I connected this dude! My fucking wife and kids was the hospital for a week man! I really don't wanna think about shit but murder"! I yelled to Rodrick a new cartel I found out about after moving down here.

"Dada" Tommy reached for the phone but I stopped him before placing him on his ABC mat along with snacks and a drink.

"King my condolences man I didn't know that they would show up to your house and h-" I cut him off
"Who told you they came to my house"? I asked catching him in a jam

"You said they came to your home" he tried to persuade me
"Oh yeah you right" I played along smiling, I was about to murk his bitch ass

"You said they came to your home" he tried to persuade me"Oh yeah you right" I played along smiling, I was about to murk his bitch ass

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"Ok Ms. Johnson your vitals are fine as well as your head. You're healing pretty quick from such a vicious blow" my therapist smiled pressing her hands on my neck

"Can we check the babies" I rubbed my stomach concerned because I hadn't been feeling any fluttering or morning sickness over these past couple of days.
"Yes sure we can just lay back and adjust your shirt" she told me smiling

Once she had the gel on my stomach she rubbed the prob around and we heard fast heartbeats
"This is baby A's heartbeat" she told me holding the prob over one spot
"And this is baby B's" I nodded smiling my head

"Ooooh mama what were you hoping for today" she asked me capturing pictures of the kids
"Umm I'm pretty unsure I want two girls but then i want two boys" I told her honestly
"Well I've got good news for you" she smiled

"You're expecting a baby girl and a baby boy"! She screamed to me jumping up and down with excitement
"Oh my gosh King" I said thinking about how crazy he was gonna react over having a girl

"Ok mama let me get you some work release forms and I'll b-" I interrupted her
"Sorry to interrupt but I'm an owner so I'll be fine is it ok to leave now"? I asked her nicely
"Sure you're free to go" she said wiping the gel off of my belly

I walked outside to Millie waiting in the car
"Bitchhh" I hopped in looking down
"Yes.... TT are you ok"? She asked
"Nooo I'm having a boy and a girl" I sobbed
"Awwwwwww....... Yes we can do manicures and do her hair and make up along with Kairi's a- girl why you crying" she reached over patting my back

"What if he gets angry about Paisley"? I questioned
"Aww baby, he wouldn't take that out on you Treating he loves you guys just stay positive" she told me causing a smile to form on my face


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