Chapter 41

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"H-h-he" I sat down with Ky crying hysterically
"Millie where the fuck Kairi at"? Money looked around
"Oh shit" Millie grabbed my keys rushing out
"tt you gotta calm down mama or it'll stress you out" Money told me looking back at Naija with angry eyes.

"What I'm hurting too" she cried being comforted by Q and the other guy
"I didn't say you wasn't Naija but Trell up and talking, King is the one in critical condition" he snapped at her.

"Money"! I mushed the back of his head
"What T-" he was cut off
"Family of Kairo Kingsly" we all stood up walking over to the doctor

"Umm immediate family" he looked at all of us
"These are his brothers, his sister and I'm his wife" I told the doctor hoisting Ky on my hip

He pulled me and Money over to the corner and began talking
"The bullet passed directly through the stomach rupturing his large intestines" I gasped holding my stomach

"TT you gotta chill" Money grabbed my stomach along with Q comforting me
"What do you mean CHILL MONEY HE COULD BE DEAD" I screamed becoming numb

"Doc what else"? Q asked looking at the man
"He's in trauma now going through his third round of surgery, if a bullet hits the stomach or the intestines you'll could still live but you may possibly have to wear a colostomy bag for bowel movements" he told us but I didn't care as long as King was ok I didn't care what came with it.

"Is breathing on his own" I asked looking down at Ky
"Yes ma'am but our surgeons are trying to save his intestines before it's too late" he told us giving me a hug walking back behind the double doors.

Millie and Kairi walked in sitting down next to Naija
"If you aren't a patient being helped or if you weren't just here we're gonna have to ask you to leave" the front desk nurse said looking over to Millie

"I don't know what the fuck she looking over here for cause she ain't going no damn where" Money said loud eyeing the lady
"Well I'll just go home" she said standing up
"N-aaaaah" I clutched my stomach sliding onto the floor
"No Treasure" Millie ran over to me looking at the pink liquid slide from between my legs onto the floor

"Oh shit" Q ran over to me touching my stomach
"Breath TT man move and go get another nurse we don't want your help" Money pushed the nurse back who took off towards the back

Moments later a group of nurses ran over to me with a stretcher and a mask
"Only two people can come" the lady told them placing me on the stretcher with three other nurses. Millie and Naija grabbed King standing behind the nurse

"Ok miss we're gonna have to take you under" and with that they placed the mask on my face knocking me out cold

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