Chapter 12

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It's been a couple of weeks and all Treasure does is drop Tommy off and ride away and that shit is eating me alive. Shit like that hurts so bad especially when you know that you'll never change the problem that caused it. Maybe everybody right, maybe I don't deserve her after all but I can't get over her no matter how hard I try or who I seem to try to replace her with, nothing works.

"Nigga get up" Trell kicked me in the side
"Fuck man she really about to do me like this over one bad mistake" I asked him
"Every woman is different and it's way more to it my guy" he told me

"Like what"? I asked
"Us. We kept the shit from her too and we all claimed to be her family but we turned our backs on her for you looking out for you now she don't want shit to do with us and honestly I miss my sister" Trell moped

Look at what I did to everybody, being so ungrateful with what I had. I promise I'll do my best to value her and treat her like she's supposed to be treated.

"Lee just had done so much for me to the point that all the favors done overtook my mental" I told him

"Nigga shut up you saw pussy and went for it but it's ok bro nobody's perfect and I don't expect you to be, you my homie, my dog and I stand behind you because that's the type of loyalty I have. But please go make it right with her so we can all get out of depression" he asked

"It's not that easy bro, her and Millie done turned into cold hearted muhfuckas" I looked down crying
"It's ok bro get all that hurt that you caused out" Trell said patting my back

Grabbing my phone I texted Treasure

Me: Can I get Tommy today?

Nubian Queen 👑😍: stop calling him that why do you call him that?

Me:Tommy is my mothers nickname that they gave her when she was a baby because she looked like a boy so I gave it to Ky because he look like the baby from rugrats 🤷🏽‍♂️

Nubian Queen 👑😍: shut up stupid, no he doesn't and sure where do you want to meet

Me: I want you guys to go to the zoo with me if that's cool

Nubian Queen 👑😍: ok what zoo

Me: Bronx Zoo

Nubian Queen 👑😍: ok see you then bye

"what happened" Trell asked reaching for my phone
"She said she'd come with me today" he clapped hopping around

"Yes finally cause you acting like a whole hoe" he laughed walking over to the refrigerator

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