Ch. 48

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Yoongi had his hand wrapped around Taehyung's arm, as the said male pushes Taeoh's stroller around the park. Mr and Mrs. Kim left early since they business to go to.

The family of three was now just enjoying the park, like any other family would.

"This park is so beautiful. Though I've lived here my whole life.. I've never been here."

"Really? This park is very famous around Daegu. Hyung and I used to play here."

Yoongi sadly smiles while looking at the beautiful flowers as they walk by.

"It's because my parents and I never really went out. Well, more like they never bring me anywhere."

Taehyung takes a small glance at Yoongi.

"What were your parents like?"

"Uhm.. Strict. They were sweet, sometimes caring, but those are just sometimes. I still love them though, because they were still always there for me. They were really happy when I said I'm going to Seoul and earn some money, which I did. But I never sent them anything.

"Thats my fault. I guess when I called for the first time about being pregnant. Thats when everything came crashing down for them. Their trust probably disappeared."

Yoongi sighs, hands gripping Taehyung's arm.

"Your parents don't seem so bad. I was also pissed at them, but they were probably just looking out for you. They probably thought you were alone for the pregnancy, and wasn't ready for the responsibility. Which is why they told you to abort it, at first.

"I don't think their trust disappeared. I am sure they're regretting about what they said to you."

Taehyung stops pushing the stroller. He turns to Yoongi and cups his face, kissing his forehead.

"Your parents will come around."

"H-how..? You threatened them.."

Taehyung chuckled.

"If they are such great parents, they wouldn't stay away from you."

Yoongi purses his lips, unsure. Eyes not meeting Taehyung's. The said male sighs and peppers Yoongi's face with kisses causing him to giggle out loud.

"S-stop it.. Taehyung!"

Yoongi smiles widely.

"At least I got to see your smile."

Taehyung winks. Yoongi blushes and hits his arm, but not too hard.

"Hah, weak."

Taehyung teased. Yoongi pouted and slapped his arm, earning a deep chuckle coming out from Taehyung.

Yoongi, this time, wanted to push the stroller. So Taehyung let him, the two were very close to each other. Mostly Taehyung who wanted to hold Yoongi, so he wrapped his arm around his waist.


Yoongi stopped the stroller and turned around  to see his mom. She walked closer to them, her hands covering her mouth.

"Oh Yoongi!"

She cries pulling him into her arms. Yoongi kept his arms to his side, shocked. Questions kept flooding up his head. How did she find him here? Why is she here?


"Yoongi.. You don't know how worried your dad and I were!"

Mrs. Min yells as she pulls away from the hug. Yoongi sighs and glances at Taehyung.

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