Fluff Bonus

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This takes places in the Kim's house.. Taeoh was just one year old here.

Yoongi who was at the kitchen like usual was cooking some breakfast for Taehyung who had to go to work, but a little baby won't let Taehyung go.

"Shh, Taeoh, it's okay. I won't leave yet."

Taehyung softly said, standing in front of Taeoh's crib, who has been crying nonstop and won't let go of Taehyung's tie.


Taeoh cries louder and holds onto the crib, crying his face out in front of Taehyung who just simply smiles seeing his son, although he felt bad to see him cry so much.

"Its okay baby, appa will be back soon."

Taehyung said, gently pushing his little boy's hair off his face. Taeoh falls on his bum, and made grabby hands, his crying getting louder.

Taehyung coos, but he knew he shouldn't stay or else he'll be late for work.

Taehyung leans down and places a kiss on his head.

"Appa will--"

Taeoh's crying interrupts him, and held onto the bars until he stood up again, facing Taehyung. His face literally shows he wanted to be held.

Taehyung sighs, feeling bad for his little boy. So, he had to do what he always does.

As Yoongi was cooking, his eyes would always glance at the baby monitor, and as soon as his eyes landed on what he saw, he knew Taehyung will be late for work.. Again.

"Oh god, Tae.. Why do you like climbing in there."

Yoongi laughs to himself as he watches Taehyung get in the crib and hug Taeoh on his chest.

Yoongi sees him patting his bum, he can hear Taehyung hum a song. Which causes Taeoh to quiet down, and just make little coo sounds.

Yoongi smiles and hums along with Taehyung's tune.


Yoongi feeds Taeoh milk, eyes on the clock showing eleven at night. Taeoh won't sleep until he sees his appa. Yoongi chuckles and burps Taeoh, he places him on his soft blanket on the floor, and just made him play with some toys that was obove his face.

Yoongi goes to the kitchen to clean the bottle, and to make a small dinner for Taehyung. Taeoh screeches, asking Yoongi for some attention.

Yoongi smiles and walks over to his baby.

"Oh Taeoh, I need to cook dinner."

Yoongi smiles.

"I could carry you, but oil might get splattered on your beautiful, soft skin."

Yoongi said, lips kissing Taeoh's soft cheeks. The little baby giggles and smacks his lips, hands on Yoongi's face.

"You're so adorable!"

Yoongi exclaims.

He heads back to the kitchen and started to cook, eyes keeping lock on Taeoh. After a few minutes, Yoongi kept hearing Taeoh babble incoherent words.

Yoongi turned around to see Taoeh on his belly, while sucking on his fingers. Yoongi gasps and immediately ran to Taeoh, obviously turning off the stove.

"No, I didn't get to see you roll on your chubby tummy~!"

Yoongi pouts. Taeoh giggles and kicks his limbs around, in total happiness. Yoongi laughs and watches his son being on his stomach, a wide smile on his face.

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