Chapter 10

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"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. You've come here tonight because each of you believe that you are strong! That you have a strong heart and will be able to protect your village. Good for you, but believing isn't always everything. You have to be able to prove that you can do what you say. Tonight, each one of you will go through this black door. If you succeed you task then you will be handed a mask. Your own official Anbu mask." Tsunade announced.
"You'll be called by name to enter through the door. Your task is to battle an Anbu black ops. You are not to kill her, well, you wont either way, but all you need to be able to do is hold your own and draw blood from her. Once you do that she will present you your Anbu mask." Garra announced and pointed towards the black door with twin red dragons on the door.
"First up is Alana Agar. Please make your way inside." Tsunade announced.
The black door swung open revealing a tall white room with cherry blossom designs. And in the middle if the room is battle arena with white flooring. On the other side of the room lay an Anbu mask on a table. Alana made her way to the middle of the arena and looked around.
Up above where the second floor lay, was Sakura. She was hiding in the shadows of the pillars. There was no way to get upstairs unless you can teleport or you can jump up 70 feet. But the room was spelled. No one was allowed to teleport.
"Hello?" Alana yelled. Her voice echoed throughout the room. This was Alana's first test, if she grabs the Anbu mask she will automatically be disqualified. And may never be able to to do exam ever again. Sakura kept a close eye on her and her chakra.
Alana closed her eyes and sat down crossed legged in the middle of the arena. Sakura suspected that it was time for her to fight. She passed the first exam. Now left is the second exam.
Sakura jumped down from the railings and appeared behind the girl. Alana jumped up and into a battle stand before Sakura touched the floor.
'On high alert.' Sakura noted.
"You are the one I must draw blood from." Alana said.Sakura nodded and gave a respectful bow.
"I apologize for what I must do to you." Alana said and took out her knives. Sakura gave a little smirk. Unnoticeable of course.
'Pure of heart.' Sakura took another note in her head.
Alana charged at Sakura with her blades. Sakura dodged every swing she took. Then Sakura found a weak spot when she swings, and kicked her left rib.
Alana fell back 5 ft and grunted. She wiped it off and focused her chakra on her hands. She calmly walked over to Sakura.
Instead of taking fast swings irrationally she did it gracefully. It was like watching a ballet dancer combine her dance with karate. They were strong and elegant. Sakura blocked every attack. While Sakura was focused on her moves she didnt notice the shadow moving behind her with a kunai knife. The shadow pricked her back causing her to drop blood. Sakura smiled realizing what just happened.

While Sakura was focusing on Alana meditating, she didnt see what she was actually doing below her. She made a hole the same size as her under neath. Then made a clone to hold up the piece of floor while they fought. And the clone was to draw blood from Sakura while they fought.
'Clever' Sakura noted once more.
Their battle stoped and Sakura gave Alana a light smile.
"Congratulations Alana Agar. You passed the 2 exams of the Anbu. You showed that you have a pure and true heart. You are not clouded by power. And you are clever. You hold a good position and will succeed you village." Sakura said. She walked over to the table and handed Alana her official Anbu mask. 
"I will see you again at the initiation. Congratulations, Anbu member Alana Agar." Sakura greeted and guided her to the secret door that led led outside. 

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