Chapter 14

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"How did Naruto and Sasuke do?" Shikamaru asked Sakura.
"I'm not stupid Shika, I can hear them talking about me. Us." Sakura said as she ate her food.
"I didnt say you were stupid. But seriously, how'd it go?" Shika asked.
"Sasuke was irrational and attacked with no source of plan. I managed to get a scratch of blood faster. And I managed to put a kunai to his throat faster." Sakura told him.
"So what your saying is he could die in a mission by himself." Shikamaru translated.
"Precisely what I told him." Sakura said and finished her food.
"What about Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.
"Him? He cheated. If it wasnt for that kyuubi inside of him, he would have been dead." Sakura said plainly.
"So he tried to cheat. But your orders were to see if he could hold his own. Shikamaru translated once more.
  The two finished their conversation and headed for Tenten's table. All the while knowing what they were talking about.
H-Hey Shika!" Tenten yelled loud enough for them to stop talking. Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at Tenten's uproar, knowing it was a signal.
"Sorry Sakura, Shikamaru. They just wanted to know." Choji reasoned.
"It's fine. SHE is okay with it. Correct?" Shika said and raised an eyebrow to Sakura.
"Yah, its fine- SHIKA!" Sakura yelled.
"What?" Shikamaru panicked. Sakura then poked his abs and pointed to the food of deserts.
"Look! They have a chocolate fountain!" Sakura whined and tried to pull Shika towards the chocolate fountain.
"We'll see you guys later, the little one is hungry." Shikamaru laughed and let himself be dragged away by Sakura.
"Was it me or could I not hear their conversation just now?" Naruto asked.
"How many times am I gonna remind you Naruto-
"Blood Blossom and Shadow, report now!" The Hokage had yelled. The room went silent as they waited for Sakura and Shika.
Then, Sakura and Shikamaru stepped up the stairs with their Anbu masks on.
"Dragon Rank Reporting!" They saluted.
"Staring tomorrow, you both will start the rookie Anbu's training." The Hokage announced.
"If I may ask a question Lady Hokage?" Sakura stepped forward.
"Yes, Blossom?" Tsunade asked.
"What level of difficulty may Shadow and I reach?" She asked.
"As you and your team see fit." Tsunade said.
"Im sorry, team?" Shika spoke up.
"Yes, you may be in charge but you will have a team." Tsunade informed.
"Tenten, Neji, and Ino. You 3 will help Blood Blossom and Shikamaru train the rookies." Tsunade announced. Shikamaru turned to the audience.
"All rookies are to report to the training grounds at 5 AM." Shikamaru announced.
"Those who are late. Will face me." Sakura had death laced in her voice.
Dismissed, Sakura and Shika left in leaves and cherry blossoms as usual.
"Yes! I'll be trained by Sakura! I'll reach Dragon Rank in no time!" Naruto pumped his fist up in excitement.
"Dont feel too special Naruto. Sakura and Shikamaru trained everyone in Anbu." Tenten told him.
"And I wouldn't be so excited if I were you. Your days as a rookie are gonna be hell." Choji told them. Sasuke muttered a 'great' and Naruto felt confused.
It was Sakura, it couldn't be that bad. Right?

••••••••The Next Day••••••••
"Help me!" Naruto yelled.
"Sorry Naruto, we told you it was gonna be hell." Neji said as he watched Naruto get beat down by Sakura.
Naruto and Sasuke had challenged the Anbu ranked shinobis and are now paying the price
"Shika!" Sakura threw herself at Shikamaru. She focused her chakra on her legs and Shika aimed her at Naruto and Sasuke who had been fighting back to back.
The blow Sakura landed on them made a crater on where they stood.
"You lost, you run." Sakura said as Shikamaru put her down. But had kept his arm around her.
Sasuke glared at the sight of them and stood up.
"But we were just kidding about willing to run!" Naruto whined.
"You were, but I wasn't. 5 laps around the village." Sakura ordered.
She watched Sasuke and Naruto begin jogging towards the gates.

"Don't you think thats a little harsh Sak?" Ino asked.
"No, they were the one that bet on it. I said I didn't care." Sakura shrugged and grabbed her water bottle
"And you Shikamaru? You agree with this?" Tenten asked.
He simply shrugged as well and took the bottle from Sakura's mouth.

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