Chapter 9

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The next day Sakura and Shikamaru decided to take a walk and go shopping with Palo.
"How long are you gonna be mad at them Sak?" Shika asked her. Sakura stayed quiet for a long time.
"Till they feel thesame pain I felt for 3 years." Sakura answered and entered a store.
"Good morning." The cashier lady greeted. Sakura bowed her head and went off to the vegetable isle.
"Hey Sak!" Someone called out to her. Sakura and Shikamaru turned around to find Tenten and Lee with basket of ramen ingredients.
"Hey, whats up." Shika said. Sakura and Tenten hugged and Shikamaru was trapped in a bear hug by Lee.
"We've been looking everywhere for you guys. The hokage wants to have a meeting about the Anbu try-outs." Lee said as he released Shikamaru.
"Yah, anyway Sakura, have you had a talk with them?" Tenten brought up.
"No, and I dont plan to." Sakura said and walked away.
"Shika, have you-
"I already tried." Shikamaru cut in and followed Sakura.
"I wonder..." Lee said and shook his head.
"Wonder what Lee?" Tenten asked.
"I wonder if Sakura not wanting to forgive them is because she still loves them, not hate them." Lee said sadly.
"But its pretty clear that she hated them." Tenten answered.
"There is a fine line between love and hate. You never know how you feel, specially if your hurt." Shikamaru said. He bowed to them and left with Sakura.

"You wanted a meeting Tsunade?" Sakura hopped in from the window.
"Oh yes, the Elders has asked us to shorten the date for the Anbu try-outs. Its been changed to tonight. So get ready. You should be at your position by 8 alright.
"Hai. Who's participating in our village?" Sakura asked.
"This year is only Naruto, Sasuke, and Kabuto." Tsunade answered. Sakura nodded and left.

"Hey Naruto! Wanna train with me? They moved up the time for the Anbu Try outs. Its gonna be tonight." Sasuke called out to the blond.
"Its tonight?!" Naruto yelled freaking out.
"Yah." Sasuke said in a bored tone.
"Lets get training!!" Naruto yelled and ran out of his house and went to the training grounds.
When they both arrived they saw 2 people sparing. It was Sakura and Shimamaru.
"Hey guys!" Naruto yelled.
"Hey Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled back. Sakura didnt say anything, or looked at him. She just went to the tree stump to get a drink of water and sat down.
"Are you guys here to train for tonight?" Shikamaru asked.
"Yah, I heard we're only battling one person! So it should be easy!" Naruto answered. Sasuke stood next to him not saying a word.
"Well...its not gonna be as easy as you think..." Shikamaru said slowly. Deciding if they should know who they are fighting tonight.
"Your fighting me." Sakura said and stood up. She walked towards Naruto and Sasuke with a towel on her shoulder
"Im not as easy as you think." She said and walked past them.
"Then lets train! Help me pass the Exam Sakura-chan!" Naruto yelled to her.
Sakura stopped in her tracks.
"Its unfair to other contestants if you train with me because it will be an advantage." She said not turning around.
"But if you get in, good for you." Sakura said. Shikamaru bowed to them and caught up with Sakura.
"You did good. Atleast you didnt insult them this time." Shikamaru said and laughed. Sakura shook her head and rolled her eyes as they talked the rest of the way home.

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