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Fire, magic, destruction ...
I watched in pain from the ground while Alexis, the last dragon in this world, fought with all her might against the man who attacked us from the shadows. Alexis was powerful, more powrful than Camile and me together, but weak. She had never been involved in a fight in which the opponent used dark magic as powerful as that of the mysterious man.
A drop of blood slid down the side of my face and I could barely move, with all my strenght I crawled to where Camile was unconscious. I got to her side to check her pulse,she's alive. I shook her slightly to wake her up.
-Wake up Camile, come on...
I could hear the explosions behind me, but I did not turn to look, I kept trying to wake up Camile. Finally she opened her eyes, I helped her sit down, after checking that everything was in order, I said:
-I have to get you out of here,— but before I could continue the sentence I notice that there was a lot of silence. The explosions stopped and I couldn't hear the battle, Camile looks behind me and puts on an expression of horror. I turn around and see.
In the middle of the battlefield, I see a big figure on the floor surrounded by smoke, and a dark purple puddle that spreads on the ground. It is dragon blood.
The murderer has a sharp weapon that looks like an axe convined with a scyche, it shines a purple light and it also drips the same liquid that's spreading on the ground.
I hear the sound of footsteps running behind me, I turn around and see the royal guards who finally managed to free themselfs from the retention spell that the misterious shadow used.
When I look back to where Alexis was, I only see the smoke of the battle and the puddle of her blood,she banished, and the guilty man is nowhere to be seen.
A guard with brown hair and blue eyes approaches me and teleports me back to the palace.
-Your majesty. Are you okay sir?
-Y-yes .... and please just call me Matt.
I do not hear what he says next, my mind is thinking about Alexis, the culprit of this, I think about avenging my friend, I swear I'll do it.

I swear I'll kill that disgusting piece of shit.

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