Chapter 3

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Everything gets cold for a second, it feels like we were traveling at a very high speed throught a place full of snow. Tom holds my hand tightly but Sam seems more relaxed. That weird sensation starts to fade away, I open my eyes to see a beautiful night sky, but... I can't feel the floor under my feet. We start to fall.
I let go of my brothers without even noticing, we all scream as we fall for what seemed to be an eternity.  We all go silent as we hit the water from the lake that was beneath us, I close my eyes and I don't know if my brothers are okay. After a moment I open my eyes and look down to the bottom of what I think is the lake I thought about. I see something that shines with a purple light, I want to know what it is, but I'm running out of air so I start swiming to the surface, as I look up I swee two dark figures that are far away, one seems to be carrying the other one, I swim faster.
As I get to the surface I see my brothers are in land already, I swim towards them worried that one of them might be hurt. As I get to where they are I see Tom laying on the floor unconscious while Sam gives him cpr. I freeze scared by the thought that he might be dead. "No, shut up, Sam will save him, everything is going to be fine" I repeat these words in my head as I watch my brothers. After some minutes Tom spits water and sits down in the floor, I get down next to him glad that he's fine. The rain has finally stopped.
-Are you okay?— I ask him in a low tone of voice, he's just staring at his feet.
-Yeah... I just gotta—he gets interrupted by Sam swearing out loud, we both look at where he is looking, there's a giant building at the end of a long path... it's a castle. We all stare at it, the silence of the night gets interrupted by voices that come in our way, I stand up and look around for a place to hide in. I spot a tree house that's falling appart, it has a big window on the side, I call out for Sam and we both help Tom get up and run to the tree house, there's an old rope ladder on the side we use to get up there and just as we get inside the tree house, a group of people gets to where we were just a minute ago. There's a wooden chair and something like a small wardrobe inside the dark tree house. After a second, we get close to the window quietly to see who is outside.
I see the queen, I can only recognize her for her shiny blond hair, after some more minutes I recognize the prince and that member of the royal guard I saw in the news. 4 people are 3 feet behind them, I bet they are their body guards. I can't hear what they are talking about but it's clear that the prince is distracted by something, he looks at the tree house we are hiding in without a warning, I get down to the floor hoping he didn't see any of us, I look at my brothers who are also in the floor, we all stay without moving an inch for what felt like an eternity, I then slowly get up to see if he's still watching.

They are all gone.

I don't move for a whole minute. I turn around to tell my brothers but as soon as I do that something pushes the three of us to the wall, I can not eve move my fingers, I hear at least 8 diferent pairs of footsteps. I struggle without being able to move an inch, not even able to know what's going on. A cold hand grabs my head, I get more and more scared. My head starts tu hurt, everything goes blury as the hand holds my head, I can't think straight...

I can hear my brothers voices fade away and everything goes blurry. Before I close my eyes, I hear a sweet voice that whispers to my ear "Welcome home Alexis" the voice echoes inside my head as I fall into a deep sleep...

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