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Me and my sister, Jace and Carmen all walk towards a small group of people ready to greet us into the building. There are 4 guards with weapons standing behind a lady in a white lab coat. Something tells me this won't be a warm welcome.

"Hi, my name's Nika," the lady introduces herself with a thick British accent. "Welcome to the ARC - Australia's Research Centre, also known as Zone 2. I'll be welcoming you in today but first, we've got to do a little test before you're allowed in. Step forward, please," she gestures to Jace.

Jace steps forward.

"This guard here will scan you for any infection resulting from the outbreak," Nika explains. "Like a metal detector but it senses foreign microorganisms through layers of clothing and skin instead. A lot more accurate than a thermometer."

One of the guards comes forward and scans Jace with the device.

"As you can see," Nika uses Jace as a demonstration, "no beeping means no virus and you'll wear a wristband to prove this to others here," she nods to another guard holding them. "This way, we can all be rest assured and know you've been through the system just like everyone else here."

Jace walks over to the guard to get one put on him and then he waits for us.

"Make sure you have them on at all times or else you will be seen as a threat," Nika informs us. "They're quite durable, so do not worry, you won't lose them."

Jace tests this by tugging at the band, it stays locked on.

"Next," the guard gestures to us.

Amber steps into position.

I look over my shoulder to see Dad and Uncle Emmett having a chitchat and a smoke by the chopper, giving us some space to get through the check-in process before they go through it again. Hopefully, they'll arrange safe transport for Bray. He has the virus but my dad and Uncle Emmett are notable figures in the task force so I doubt these people will refuse Bray an entry.

*Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!*

I look back to the front. The guard has the device against Amber's stomach.

"Hey, let her through," Jace voices. "She ain't infected."

"Lift your shirt," the guard instructs.

"What?" Amber questions. "I'm not infected."

"Ma'am, it's an order," he voices calmly.

"Let her pass!" Jace gets a lil aggressive and a guard holds him back. "She isn't fucking infected! Hey lady!" he looks at Nika. "She ain't infected so let her pass!"

I mean, I get it. It's just a safety precaution measure but my sister is 100% not infected. If she could tell me she's pregnant, then she could definitely tell me that she got bit somehow. So I trust her and I'd be mad too if someone tried to tell me I'm one of them when I'm clearly not, especially when I went through agony just to get here.

"Why should I lift my shirt?" Amber flicks an eyebrow up and crosses her arms. "I'm not infected, 'kay?"

"Ma'am-" he starts.

"So take that lil device and shove it up your ass."


"My dad's right there," Amber points to the chopper. "Should I tell him you're not letting us in? He's in charge of you, is he not? Something tells me he won't be too happy."

"Ma'am, if you do not lift that shirt," he seethes, "then I will rip it apart myself. Bet you wouldn't be too happy too."

"Stand down," Nika orders the guard. "They're just kids who are completely drained. They could use some sweet talk. Here, allow me," she takes the device off the guard, giving him an irritated look. "What's your name, beautiful?" she asks my sister.

"Amber," Amber mumbles.

"Amber," Nika smiles, "we've got children and family in there and although you may not be infected, this device has never been proved wrong. We're just trying to keep everyone safe. Otherwise, I'll be forced to let those guards do it and I don't want them being rough with you. Okay?"

There's this underlying tone in her voice, like she's trying to cover up the fact that she could care less if Amber is another human being with a wholeass life of her own but the fact that if she is infected, then it's nothing but collateral and she's just doing her job.

Amber gulps.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Nika reassures her.

Amber nods and lifts her shirt to reveal her tummy. A subtle bump shows. I guess she tried to hide it with her stubbornness of refusing to obey but Jace doesn't clock on or anyone for that matter. I wouldn't too if she didn't tell me.

"Hm," Nika frowns, "skin intact and healthy, nil signs of bites." She runs the device over the area again, but this time, there's no beeping. "Slight error, I suppose. You may pass through, Amber," Nika nods to the wristband guard.

It's my turn. I step into position with my arms and feet apart. The same guard runs the device up and down my body.

"Let's hope your device is working fine," I mutter.

"Shut it!" he spits out.

No beeping.

"You're cleared," he steps back.

But I step forward. "Touch my sister again," I look him dead in the eye, "and I'll rip you apart." With that, I go grab my wristband.

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