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"Alright, that's enough!" Nika storms back in. "It appears like they indeed were telling the truth. You two," she stares at her men, "out."

The Spanish guard steps back and the Russian gets off Carmen. They both smirk at us and then at each other. So was this all a damn ruse just to get us talking? Who the fuck uses rape as a ruse?! Because so help me god if I ran this world, they wouldn't die slow enough!

When I look at Carmen hugging herself, all frightened and hurt, I get this sort of rage build inside of me. I jump on the Spanish guard's back. He roughly shakes me off and I stumble back. Then I take one giant swing at his face. His jaw goes flying to the left. When his face greets mine again, he growls like a bull, ready to pounce. I wince at my knuckles, pain shooting up my wrist. I've definitely broken some phalanges from that blow but the adrenaline stops me from feeling the full impact of it.

"Enough!" Nika warns him from doing anything to me. "I said, out! Now!"

Instead, he spits a ball of saliva next to me and then leaves with the other bloke. When Nika shuts the door after them, I silently creep up behind her. Bringing the serrated spray I just stole from the Spanish guard not even a second ago.

"Scream and I won't hesitate to slash your throat," I warn her.

She lets go of the doorknob, chuckling, "you think a lil boy like yourself is capable of doing something like that?"

"Trust me," I press the knife into her flesh and a drop of blood oozes out, "I've gotten a lot of experience, thanks to you."

"Oh hun," she sneers, "you have absolutely no idea what you're doing."

"Yeah nah, actually, for the first time ever, I have a pretty definite idea of what I'm doing," I whisper into her ear. "Now listen to me very carefully, hun. You're going to get me the Q-Y-Z-X-01 capsules like you promised-"

"I didn't promise you anything!" she spits out.

"Shut up!" I push the blade further in and another drop oozes out. "And then, Carmen and I are going to get the hell outta this shithole. Understand, Ganika?"

"You're making a big mistake, Dean."

"Carmen," I glance back, "stay close to me."

"Dean-" Nika starts.

"Shut up and open the door, you dumb fucking bitch!"

With no other choice, she obeys. Armed men from various corners begin approaching us.

"Weapons down!" I order. "Anyone so much as gets an inch close to us, I will rip her jugular apart!"

"It's okay!" Nika holds her hands up. "Do as he says."

Nika leads me to the room where one of the workers from earlier had taken the briefcase. In front of me is a glass locker. Inside it are rows and rows of small transparent-coloured bottles. It's like a rainbow, so many colours, so many names. My eyes dart across all the rows. My orbs flicker when they meet the shelf labelled 'Q-Y-Z-X-01'. The shelf is filled with transparent red tinted bottles and inside are the same colour pills.

"Carmen, grab that bag and fill it up with as many of the red bottles as you can."

Carmen grabs the bag and goes to the glass locker. "It's locked, Dean."

"Open it now or this tip is going in!" I demand Nika, pushing the blade a cm more into her neck.

"Alright! Alright!" she winces as droplets of blood drip down onto her white lab coat. "Just let me grab the key out of my pocket," she leisurely reaches for her pocket.

FULL OBLITERATION (Book #3)Where stories live. Discover now