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Jensen pauses in his small circle of buddies with his back to me. He turns his head to the side and clenches his jaw, "what was that, Dean?"

It's as if he's tryna give me a chance to backpedal. Does he really think I'm afraid of him? Anyone or anything for that matter? Especially when I looked a lurker in the eyes and it was my own mother? Get fucked.

I clear my throat, "my bad, allow me to say it louder for you, fuck...tard. That better?"

A few people around us choke on their food, probably because nobody ever stood up to this fucktard (x3). Jensen was kind of like the third-wheeler with Sam and Jace. He didn't always hang out with the latter two, maybe because Jace still had hidden resentment towards him about the rumour with Carmen; a fact in his head. But he's just as much of a jerk as Sam is.

"Shit," Jace says from behind me.

He hadn't even made it to Sam's table and I've already found trouble. What can I say? Jensen is, again, a fucktard (x4), and I'm not the type to let him walk over my friends. It's about time Jace finds out the truth anyway.

"Um, Dean," Ella shakes her head warningly, her eyes wide open.

I nod at her like it's fine, I got this. Then I glance at Carmen like I got her too. I told her it'd make a difference. Back days and days ago, she said to me in the warehouse there was no point in her disclosing all this about Jace and Jensen. Well, here's the point. Jensen turns around, finally making eye contact with me. He shakes his head and digs his tongue on the inside of his cheek.

"Or do you want me to spell it out for you?" I ask him. "I can do that for you too."

"Shut up, gronk!" he spits out with an irritated chuckle.

"Tell them, Jensen. Tell them how you made that rumour up about Carmen."

The grin wipes from his face, like a deer caught in a trap. "I don't know what you're talking about, cunt."

"Sure you don't," I scoff. "I'll tell them then. Carmen didn't wanna sleep with your sorry unwashed ass, so Jensen here, you just had to feed Jace some bullshit lie 'cause your lil ego..." I drop my eyes down his body to it, then back up, "...got hurt. Right?"

His nostrils flare up but he maintains his composure. "You must be dumb to believe a slurry over me. I'm an athlete, I play baseball, do you really think I'd make something like that up?"

"I'm the captain of the baseball team."

That's all I needed to say to him. Being a captain of any team is an honourable position. We don't make shit up, so the person making shit up here, is obviously Jensen, and everyone realises this now.

"Apologise," I demand.

"I'm sorry?" he smirks like he didn't hear me right.

"Not to me – to her."

And he glances at Carmen.

"Is this true?" Jace asks Jensen. "You made that shit up?"

"I-I.. C'mon now, Jace," he stammers. "Y-you gonna believe a slurry and a gronk over your own mate?"

"My first love and my ally," he corrects, fury building up in him. "Give me a reason not to."

"He's lying, Jace!" Jensen's composure starts to break. "Just 'cause he's the captain, it ain't mean shit! Carmen's always been a slag!"

"A 'slag'?" Jace repeats. "How when she's only been with me through all of high school? Was it a lie or not? Were you just jealous, mate? Why the fuck fuck it up?!"

"Y'all are insane," Jensen shakes his head with a chuckle. "Dean's lying! Obviously. Your girlfriend wanted it. She was practically begging for it! She's a fucking s-"

Jace jumps on top of Jensen and they both go crashing on a table. Students around us hectically push their seats back. The table breaks but Jace doesn't stop. He takes lethal swings to Jensen's face. There's no need for me to stop him. It's long-awaited karma for Jensen. I only wish I could join in if it weren't for my dad's last warning. Red trickles from Jensen's nose and his mouth pools up with blood. We needed a fight, I didn't think we'd get one with a cause.

"BOYS!" Hélène rushes over with a couple of other adults. "Stop now!"

I bump into her.

"What on earth happened, Dean?!" she exclaims.

"I-I dunno, Hélène. It all happened so fast," I act stressed. "But Jensen started it. He provoked Jace!"

"Alright everyone, get back!" she instructs. "You two, break it up now or you'll repeat year 12! That's your final warning! Break it up NOW!"

The commotion gradually ceases around the room at the thought of repeating year 12. That, and Jace got his lick back with plenty of time. Jensen is goneskies. He's a bloodied mess, discoloured and battered. The supervisors crowd around him, making sure he's breathing.

Jace gets up, rubbing his sore maroon knuckles. "You got it?" he whispers.

"Yeah, mate," I smile. "Gg."

So the diversion worked, it worked a lil too well. Jensen was in the wrong place at the right time. Not only that but now Jace finally knows the truth about Jensen. We're in the dorms now. All the boys are sleeping in their bunks. Jensen too, I can see him in the distance with a bandage around his head and his cheekbones all bruised. He's holding a bottle to his lip. I kinda smile at the thought of him in pain.

I slide out of my bottom bunk and pull at Bray's elbow. "Bray, wake up..!"

"Hmm, mhmm," he pouts and tries to kiss the air.


"Bray..!!" I hiss. "Wake up!"

"Huh! What!" he abruptly sits up. "Where am I?!"

"Shh! You're being too loud! We haveta go. It's 11:55 PM."

I sneak to Jace's bunk who's already up and ready to go. All 3 of us silently head to the automated doors of the dorm. I press the access card on the touchpad next to it. It beeps with a green light and the doors slide open. Then we head to the girl's dorm. They should be waiting for us at exactly midnight and it's 11:59 PM right now. I press the keycard and the doors slide open. Ella, Carmen and Amber sneak out.

"Jace," I whisper, "yous have till 5 AM to do whatever at Sanctuary Lake's night market nearby. Enjoy. I'll key yous in back inside the dorms at exactly that time. Stay outta trouble, yeah?"

"You got it, mate," he nods.

"Hey," I stop Amber before she runs off with Jace, "you too. 'Member what Dad said?"

"I will, I promise. Save the world, egghead."

"I'll try to. Also Jace," I add, "nice one on Jensen – purple suits him big time."

"Fuck yeah, it does," he grins before it fades away when he stops his scan on Carmen. "Hey Car," Jace grabs her attention for the first time ever.

Whenever he spoke to her or about her, it'd always be passive-aggressive. He resents her. Today, or tonight, however, is the first time there's gentleness in his tone, but with a sort of longing guilt, maybe because he gave her so much shit over what was a lie.

"If he tries anything again," he tells her, "Ima make him go indigo 'stead of purple. You just let me know."

A soft smile forms on Carmen's lips and she nods.

Then Jace and Amber slip out.

"Was that an apology," Bray gulps. "It was lowkey attractive if you ask me."

"Jeez, Bray," I roll my eyes.

"What.. Just sayin'."

"Yeah, it was an apology," Carmen's smile brightens. "Thank you, Dean. If it weren't for y-"

"Hey, no," I stop her from finishing her sentence, "you matter. You're one of us now. No need to thank me."

Me, Ella, and Bray find our way to the instructor's office.

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