Chapter 1

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The jingle of the bell ringing as he enters Starbucks is something that Malcolm has become accustomed to over the last two and a half years. Almost every morning before he heads on off to his first class of the day at Harvard, he always stops in at Starbucks to get himself a coffee.

Definitely not the most healthiest kickstart to the day, but it's whatever. He often never has enough time in the mornings to make himself a coffee, so he opts for going to get himself one from Starbucks instead. Gives him the excuse to see the cute redheaded barista almost everyday.

I gotta stop being such a pussy and ask her out already....

If his mother had any idea about the amount of times he goes into Starbucks each week, she'd probably have a fit - much like she does with almost everything. Luckily Malcolm doesn't have to worry about that anymore. Two and a half years it's been since he last lived under his parents roof, and he feels he's much better for it.

As he waits in line to be served, he looks towards the clock on the wall. He's got twenty minutes till class starts, which should give him enough time to get his coffee and chat with Chelsea Barton (the cute redhead who's always the one to serve him) for a bit, before he walks the remaining few blocks to campus. In the cold December air....

"Hey, Malcolm." Chelsea smiles, once Malcolm finally reaches her. "The usual?" She's served him so many times that she knows his order off by heart.

"Yep." He nods, glancing back towards the clock. He's still got plenty of time before he needs to get to class.

"So, you doing anything for Christmas?" Chelsea asks as she begins making Malcolm's order.

Malcolm sighs, shaking his head. He doesn't plan on doing anything for Christmas. His parents have been calling him to try and get him down for Christmas this year seeing a he bailed out last year. But he's made a point to ignore their calls, even when it's his younger brother Dewey calling.

He'd rather not spend Christmas with his family, even though he does miss his brothers and his baby sister. He just doesn't fancy celebrating Christmas with them all. Something always manages to go wrong when the Wilkersons are all together under the same roof, and just like last year, he'd rather not be a part of it.

Not to mention he knows that his grandmother Ida will be there. He doesn't understand how that evil old bat is still alive after all these years. Knowing his grandmother though, she's probably going to be staying alive for awhile yet just to torment them all.

"I don't plan on doing anything." He says. "My parents have been calling to try and get me to come home for Christmas, but when my whole family is together under the same roof, something is bound to go wrong."

"Really?" Chelsea asks. "They can't be that bad."

Malcolm laughs a little, shaking his head. "You've never met my family." He says. "My older brother Reese is a dimwit with a criminal record taller than I am, my oldest brother Francis does too but it's not as big as Reese's. My mom's a loudmouth control freak who thinks she always has to be right, my dad likely isn't all there in the head, and my two year old baby sister is already just as bad as my brothers and I combined."

He may have over exaggerated a bit, but it's close enough to the truth. His whole family has something wrong with them. Truthfully his little sister isn't even as bad as he claims, but he has no doubt that once she's older she'll be just as bad as her older brothers. With the Wilkerson's luck, there's a high chance that she will be anyway.

"I think my younger brothers Dewey and Jamie are probably the most normal along with myself, but that's pushing it. They're both still pretty horrible, especially Jamie." He adds. It's a wonder how he's not anymore fucked up than he already is....

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