Chapter 4

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It almost seems like the days leading up until the day before Christmas have flown by way too fast, but Malcolm finds himself being glad about that. He's been very much looking forward to spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Chelsea, and now that she'll finally be coming over soon, he can't wait.

Though he's a bit worried that he's going to screw something up, most likely the cooking. But, he's done okay so far at not thinking about that, and so far the food he has cooked for tonight doesn't look so bad. However, they still may taste terrible, especially with his cooking abilities.

He's hoping that the food Chelsea ends up bringing with her will be a lot better than his, which with his very poor cooking skills, it more than likely will be. It's times like this where he misses Reese's cooking....

Unfortunately his parents and Dewey have still been trying to contact him to get him to come home for Christmas even when it's the literal day before Christmas. He's honestly impressed - yet annoyed - at their persistence in their continued phone calls to get him to come home.

Just this morning not too long ago now he had gotten a call from his father asking him to please come home and spend Christmas with the family. Though unlike every other call he's gotten so far, his youngest brother Jamie and even his baby sister had spoke on the phone, saying how much they miss him and they want him to come home.

He must admit he was surprised to hear Jamie and their baby sister. Especially when they don't really talk a hell of a lot, especially his two year old baby sister unless there's something that she really wants. Malcolm is almost positive that once she's older she'll end up being a lot like their mother, and potentially worse than him and his brothers combined. She's already getting pretty close to that level, so he can only imagine how much worse she'll be once she hits her teen years.

Or she may be a complete saint, and be the only member of the family to not get into trouble all the time, and be the one good kid in the Wilkerson family. But that's just not very likely to happen. She's got five older brothers, four of them who are way too reckless for their own good. Jamie isn't so bad so far, but he's likely to end up just like the others as well.

Then again... Jamie did almost kill their mother once before.... But the blame for that could very well be placed on Reese, as he had been giving Jamie cans of energy drinks in the first place.

Shaking his head a little, Malcolm attempts to just forget about his family as he gets on with all the work that still needs to be done before Chelsea turns up in a few hours. While a lot of what he's doing may be half-assed, he'd much rather have it all finished by the time she gets here.

He's not making a hell of a lot of food, just enough for two people. Chelsea's going to be bringing some stuff round anyway, so they don't need too much food. He's not sure what Chelsea will be bringing round with her, but he's almost certain it's going to be better than what he's made.

All he's decided to cook, is a small turkey roll with stuffing and cranberry sauce in the middle, along with some roast vegetables. Nothing too fancy, and the turkey roll isn't very big, he just got the biggest size he could afford, which really is quite small, but just big enough for two people. They'll have more food to go with it anyway.

He's managed to make a small bowl of coleslaw and potato salad too to go with everything else, and now he just needs to get what he needs to of the dessert made. Which, if he's being honest, is likely the easiest thing to do out of everything.

The dessert that he's decided on making isn't really anything special, just a small sponge cake that he intends on icing with chocolate icing and whipped cream. Probably the most bland thing out, but it's all he can afford, along with a pack of lime jelly which he's only just finished making and is in the fridge currently setting. He's hoping Chelsea will bring round a bit for dessert too, maybe a tub of ice-cream or something, nothing too flash. He's almost sure that Chelsea also doesn't have a lot of money much like himself.

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