Chapter 5

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So, I've decided that this fic is going to have ten chapters in total, so it's now halfway finished.


As soon as it's time for dinner, Malcolm and Chelsea have more than enough food for the both of them. Along with the turkey roll and roast vegetables that Malcolm has cooked - thankfully without burning anything - and the coleslaw and potato salad he had made, Chelsea had also brought around with her a small chicken roll with stuffing, and a salad. For dessert she just brought along a tub of ice-cream with her, and a pack of mini chocolate eclairs.

It's clearly likely to be too much food for the pair of them, but at least they'll have plenty of leftovers for later if they're still hungry. Which saves them both the hassle of preparing more food later.

"I'm surprised how well this actually managed to turn out." Malcolm admits, as the two of them sit at the small table in the kitchen, plates of food set out in front of them.

He really is surprised that everything turned out good enough to eat, and he didn't burn anything. This is his first time cooking food for more than one person. He thought for sure that he'd burn something, or this night would be a complete failure. But so far, everything's gone great, and hopefully it stays that way.

"So am I honestly." Chelsea admits. "And it's a good thing is has all turned out well."

Malcolm nods, smiling as he fills his plate with food. Chelsea does the exact same thing, and Malcolm has to stop himself from staring at her.

He's so in love with her and this would be the perfect time to officially ask her out. Only, he's too chicken to do so. That, and he has no idea if she likes him more than a friend.

As they both eat, they make small talk between one another. Chelsea asking Malcolm how his classes are doing, to which Malcolm proudly boasts that he's doing very well, and he's at the top of his class. It seems as though having to announce to everyone that he's smart hasn't left yet. He's getting much better at toning it down though, but it's still painfully there, and has always been there since he was young.

He's always had a rather large ego....

Along with discussing how Malcolm's schooling is going, they talk about a other things, and get to know each other more. And with every new thing that Malcolm learns about Chelsea, he somehow falls even more in love with her.

Unfortunately though, it doesn't take very long for their conversations to be cut short as the phone starts ringing. Which causes Malcolm to groan in annoyance.

"It's probably my mom or dad." He sighs, shaking his head. "They're still trying to get me to spend Christmas with them and the rest of the family."

He's really beginning to think that he should've unplugged the damn phone earlier....

"They must miss you if they keep trying to contact you." Chelsea says. "You sure you're content in not spending Christmas with them?" She asks. "They are your family after all."

Malcolm huffs, shaking his head. "I really don't want to spend Christmas with them." He says. "There's something wrong with everyone in my family, probably me included." He sighs, shaking his head. "I do miss them though, but not nearly enough to spend Christmas with them all. Something always goes wrong when we're all together."

"Well, maybe this year will be different?" Chelsea suggests, glancing over in the direction of the phone as it goes straight to voicemail. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind going with you." Chelsea continues. "I wouldn't mind meeting your family/"

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