Chapter 10

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"Here." Malcolm says, handing Chelsea a mug of hot chocolate, which she gratefully takes from him.

It's much later on during the night, and both Jamie and Charlie have long been sent to bed, and now the adults and Dewey are the only ones still awake sitting in the TV room watching a movie. Though Ida seems to have gone off to bed, which Malcolm is rather glad about.

Taking his seat on the couch next to Chelsea, Malcolm puts an arm around her shoulder as she moves closer to his side. A move that Malcolm notices that no one else seems to have noticed, except for Dewey who's sitting on the floor on one of the old bean bags he had to drag down from the attic.

He doesn't mention anything about it though, which Malcolm is thankful for. He doesn't quite want the rest of the family to know about him and Chelsea just yet. Though they may be able to guess, but only guess. He's not ready to tell them yet.

Not to mention the fact that he and Chelsea only just got together. It seems much too early to announce it. In fact, is is much too early to announce it.

So he just sits back on the couch with Chelsea and watches whatever movie they have playing on their crappy TV - by the looks of it, it's one of the Home Alone movies - and sips at his hot chocolate slowly.


The next morning, Malcolm is awoken early by both Jamie and Charlie jumping on top of him.

Certainly not the way he had hoped to wake up. But it sure seems to have amused Chelsea as she sits on the couch across from him as she reads some book that she's grabbed off the shelf.

"Get off me, you two." Malcolm groans, trying to sit up under the weight of his youngest siblings.

The two of them don't budge, and stay firmly seated on top of their older brother.

Malcolm sighs, looking over towards Chelsea. "How long have you been up?" He asks.

She shrugs. "Not long." She says. "It's still early, so I'm not sure if anyone else is up yet. Your mother is up though."

"Most of my family never usually gets up early unless they have to." Malcolm sighs. "Were you comfortable last night?" He asks. "I know it's not five star accommodation."

Chelsea nods. "Yeah, this was surprisingly comfortable." She says. "How about you?"

Malcolm shrugs, as best as he can manage anyway. "As comfortable as sleeping on a foldout cot can get."

It wasn't very comfortable, but he managed. It wouldn't be the first time he had to sleep on something that's not very comfortable. He's just glad that Chelsea got the couch.

Though if only his family home was bigger, and actually had enough sleeping space for twelve people. He's surprised that everyone actually managed to have somewhere to sleep.

Chelsea nods. "Do you want me to go get you a coffee?" She asks, glancing over towards the kitchen. "I think your mother just put a pot of coffee on."

Malcolm nods gratefully. He'd go get one himself, but both Jamie and Charlie don't seem to be making any move to get up off him.

He watches her get up off the couch and head off into he kitchen before turns to Jamie and Charlie.

"Are you two going to get off me?" He asks, to which they both sake their heads. No.

He sighs, leaning his head back on the pillow. He guess he shouldn't really complain, he barely gets to see these two. And he's sure that they both just miss him a lot an want to spend as much time as they can get with him before he leaves.

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