Book one-chapter seventeen

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Percy's POV:

"Um, what just happened?" Grover asked. Some people nodded while others just starred at me.

"Chaos gave me his powers?" it came out more of a question. Some of the gods yelled in outrage while other starred in awe. The campers started whispering amongst each others but my squadron and the primordials just starred.

"Is that even possible?" Michael(Yew)/Bow asked. Him along with Lee(Arrow), Ethan(Revenge) and  Castor(Duo) looked worried. However Bianca,Luke,Zöe,Silena and Beckondorf looked furious.

"HOW? WHY?" Silena yelled, shocking everyone. She was usually the bubbly happy one. I shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

"PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON, YOU WILL TELL US RIGHT NOW!" Bianca screamed and it went deadly silent. Everyone was starring at me, waiting for an answer.

"You know when I bathed  in the River Styx? Well it was kind of like that but it was the River Void and it was 100x more painful," I summarised. Of course, I wasn't going to tell them everything, it would devestate them.

"Why?" Zöe asked calmly but her eyes betrayed her.

"I wasn't going to make Chaos hurt his own brother but Chaos said I wasn't powerful enough so I volunteered," the primordials nodded understanding but no-one else looked satisfied.

"So the river gave you the powers?" Athena asked.

"No. I had to bathe in the river to show that it was possible for me to handle his amount of powers," several people nodded understanding. Most campers started whispering again and I knew they had questions.

"Everyone who has a question, raise their hand," immediantly hands shot up. I pointed at a camper.

"When do you leave?" she asked.

"Three hours," I said crushing their hopes of me staying. I pointed to another camper that looked a lot like Clarisse.

"Does this make you the new ruler of the universe?" this got everyone's attention.

"Hmm, I don't think so. I can't give Chaos back all of his powers because it would kill me but I still won't be as powerful," I guessed.

"You are wrong," I spun round to see Chaos.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"If you wish, you may keep my powers and rule the universe," he replied. I was shocked, as was everyone else, but I already knew my answer.

"Father, I can't yet. I'm not ready, I still have more to learn "

"Well done Percy, you chose well," he said smiling. I created an energy ball of Chaos's powers(excluding a few) and shot it at him. He fell to his knee's and screamed in pain. Bianca and Castor went to rush forward and help him but I held them back. Seconds later he stood up with a new aura of power.

"You must prepare to leave now" he told me regretfully.

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