Book two-Chapter four

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Percy's POV:

Axel and Roxie threw themselves at Allison,making her fall. I chuckled at how scared she looked.She really had grown into a beautiful women. Of course she had been granted immortality at the age of sixteen. I was expecting her to hate me, after all I am practically a stranger. I did visit her in her dreams but that was maybe once a year and only for a few minutes. My biggest regret is not seeinng her grow up. I however know that being here isn't safe for her, so I will have to leave soon. Someone cleared their throat behind us, reminding me of the situation.

"How are your children still this young?" Zeus said eyeing the kids.

"Chaos made it so they only aged 1 Earth year every 1000 Chaos years. So they're now 3 years of age." I told him and he nodded uneasily. I turned to the Are's group who were shaking with fear. Before I could say anything, I heard yelling. I looked up to see a mordernised version of Argo 2. The ship landed and the remaining seven walked off but when they seen me they started running. /once thye reached us, they were all panting slightly. I went up and hugged them all, much to their suprise. Once I stepped back, I noticed there was someone else with them. Someone I never imagined I would see again.

"Calypso?"I asked, wide-eyed.

"P-percy?" she stuttered.

"Wait, you two know eachother?" Leo asked, putting his arm around her waist.

"Daddy who are they?"Axel asked while holding his arms out. Once he was in my arms, I replied.

"This is Calypso," Axel gasped but then narrowed his eyes at Calypso.

"My daddy told us how you met but you can't have him now.He loves mummy and he has us. I won't let you take him," he said in a cute voice, trying to be threatening.

"It's ok. I love Leo now and I'm very happy for your daddy," she replied smiling,which I returned. Ali walked up standing next to with Roxie in her arms. I decided it was probably time to say goodbye-again.

"You know I can't stay," I said looking down at Ali, who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she muttered, starring at her feet.

"What for?"

"If I wasn't born, you wouldn't have had to leave." I gasped in shock. She thought it was her fault. I hugged her as best as I could, considering we had children in our arms, who were being suprisingly quiet. I looked down to see them asleep, making me chuckle.

Luke come here, I mm'ed him. A black portal appeared and Luke stepped through. I took Roxie from Ali and handed Luke both the children. He nodded in understanding and stepped back though the portal, with the children. I turned around to see Ali crying silently. I ran and engulfed her in a proper hug.

"It wasn't your fault. I would've left anyway, I'm the heir and commander to Chaos. I am sorry that I missed you growing up but it was fro the best. If anything, it's my fault. I know I'm not th ebrother you wanted but if you're in danger of need help, I'll be there," I told her re-assuringly. I turned to everyone else.

"If you ever need me, all you have to do is yell for me. Goodbye my friends," I said facing the remaining seven plus Calypso and the gods. Then I turned to the campers. "If I hear that any of you so much as say something mean to Ali again, I will kill you."I say deadly serious. Several campers nodded and I started walking towards the portal.

"Percy!" a familiar voice yelled. I turned to see my mum and Paul. I ran forward and hugged them as tight as I could.

"I'm sorry mum but I have to go," I said, letting them go.

"I know Percy. I miss you so much,"she said crying.

"I know mum,me too. I love you." 

"I love you too," she said. I walked to the portal once more.

"Goodbye," I said before walking through the portal.

Ali's POV:

He's gone. He left-again.

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