Book Two-chapter fourteen

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Percy's POV:

Dad,Gaia,Aeth,Hemera,Erebus,Nyx,Chronos,Tarturas,Hydro's,Ourea and Pontus flashed in.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Dad screamed outraged. Everyone-including me-was shocked,he'd never been that angry. Just them Bianca pushed through the crowd. When she seen me she gasped and ran forward.

"Oh Percy," she whispered sadly,craddiling my head in her lap.

"RIGHT THAT'S IT, WE'VE BEEN PATIENT BUT WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON. RIGHT NOW!" Luke screamed worried and furious at the same time. My father looked at me for permission and I nodded.

"When Percy came here he knew he would never be able to fight Gaia herself but he could fight her army. Because of this he started to feel ill. Then something happened between him and Ali and that's when he started to fade. He was loosing hope in himself. Percy didn't know what to do so he began saying his goodbye's starting with his siblings. Whatever just happened, sped up the process." Dad said,beginning to cry, which stunned everyone.

"I don't understand," mum said frowning.

"My son is dying and it's all because of you people," Chaos said furious. I felt Bianca freeze beneath me. Gaia kneeled beside me.

"Please Percy no. I won't fight. Please don't leave us," she begged. I tried to reply but I just couldn't.

"What can we do?" Beckondorf asked panicked.

"Nothing," Chaos whispered.

Sorry for how short it is.

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