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*Elena's P.O.V*

It's been months since the incident happened. Stefan and I are falling apart because I'm a vampire now. I'm sired to Damon and for some reason I'm in love with him and I don't want to be. I wanna be in love with Stefan. For the first month of me being a vampire, Stefan and I was great. I wish I could still say the same.

"Elena? Are you okay?" Bonnie asks.

"I hate being sired to Damon, he's not Stefan," I admit.

"I wonder if there is a way to break the bond?" Bonnie asks.

"There is, turning off my humanity but I don't wanna loose control of myself Bon," I admit.

I don't want to turn it off but if it comes to it, I might have too. Here lately I been having hallucination since I killed Connor and nobody knows about it. He's pretended to be Jeremy and Stefan and I even tried killing myself but Damon stopped me.

"Elena," was the voice I miss.

"Stefan," I shot over to him because I missed him so much. I wish I would've died with his blood in me instead and I wouldn't be in this mess.

That's when it hit me. I'm like Katherine now. When that thought crossed my mind I took off because I don't wanna be like that bitch. She caused Stefan and I so much trouble.


I have no idea where I am but I heard a gun shoot off not far and I heard a grunt. I made my way to find Jeremy shot.

"Jeremy!" I yell and I got shot at too.

I look to see who it was and it was him. The man who took me months ago trying to kill Stefan. I ran and grabbed Jeremy and took him back to Bonnie.


"Elena what happened?" Bonnie asks frantically.

"Jeremy got shot, I can't feel a pulse," I cried.

I tried to feed Jeremy my blood but he was already gone.

"Where's his ring?" I scream, "no! Jeremy no don't die!"

I started sobbing and couldn't control myself. Stefan and Damon ran in and saw what happened.

"Elena I can save him," Bonnie says.

I nodded my head as Stefan held onto me.

"Turn it off Elena," Damon says.

"No!" I yell as I burst through the door away from Damon.

*Stefan's P.O.V*

"Damon why would you tell Elena that!" Bonnie yells.

"Because I don't wanna see her crying over Jeremy every damn minute!" Damon yells back.

"How about you quit being a dick?" I asks.

Damon is being his normal self here lately, ever since Elena rejected him because of the sire bond. Elena wants to break it so bad but the only way is turning her humanity off.

"I'm going to find Elena," I said pushing pass Damon.

I looked around the house for her and couldn't find her until I saw her on my bed.

"Elena," I said.

She looks up at me with those beautiful brown eyes I've grown to love. I made my way to her and comforted her.

"What's on your mind?" I asks.

"I'm becoming Katherine," she says, "with this sire bond, I love you both. I don't wanna loose myself and I definitely don't wanna turn my humanity off."

"You're not becoming Katherine, you can't help you're sired to Damon, I love you Elena," I said.

I hate that Elena is going through this pain. I hate I've become distant. Elena hasn't been herself since she was hallucinating. Klaus been trying to find a cure so he can get more blood from Elena. He's never gonna stop until he gets what he wants. I want Elena to be human again. I want her to be happy again in her own body.

"Stefan," Elena says looking up at me.

She crashes her lips into mine as I felt the same sparks as when we first kissed. I know she hates being sired to Damon because she does things she never wants to do. She killed Connor and that really damaged her but I am still willing to find the cure for her because Elena deserves her human life back.

"Guys, Jeremy is awake," Damon came in.

Elena jumped out of my arms and ran to Jeremy.

"Why in the hell was you in the woods?" Elena asks.

"I was gonna go practice some shooting," Jeremy says.

"You could've been killed for crying out loud Jer," Elena says.

"But I wasn't Elena. Was that the same guy from months ago?" Jeremy asks.

Guy? The one who wanted to kill us all? Why was he back in town?

"Yes, do not go anywhere without any of us," Elena says sternly.

*Elena's P.O.V*

Jeremy is okay now but I wanna know why he shot my brother so I went back to the woods without anybody knowing. I was gonna get to the bottom of this to why he's back.

Dean his name I think? He's a real dick but his brother seems nice but I can't trust them.

I went to the spot where Jeremy was I heard Dean's voice. The rage in me multiplied and I went straight to his throat.

"Why the hell did you shoot my brother?" I glared.

"Well isn't it the miss Elena Gilbert. I heard about you brother having a tattoo," Dean smirks.

"What?" I asks.

"When you killed Connor, the mark went straight to your brother," Dean smiles.

Jeremy never mentioned anything but I will not say anything because if Klaus finds out, he'd want Jeremy.

"Don't ever come at my brother again you bastard. Leave him alone!" I said letting go of his throat.

I left because I didn't wanna kill anybody else even though I really wanted to kill Dean.

A/N: ch. 2! Hopefully you all enjoy this story just as much as I love writing it.

Question: what are your top 5 favorite shows?
My Answer:
1. Supernatural
2. The Vampire Diaries
3. The Originals
4. Stranger Things
5. Riverdale

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